Quiet/docile Long Term Layers

Still hoping for more information...
Easter Egger.
Rhode Island Red.
Also, chances are you will end up with at least one boy. Just warning. The 90-95% sexing guarantees are bogus sometimes. My first batch of 4 chicks? 90% guarantee. I got 2 boys.
Easter Egger.
Rhode Island Red.
Also, chances are you will end up with at least one boy. Just warning. The 90-95% sexing guarantees are bogus sometimes. My first batch of 4 chicks? 90% guarantee. I got 2 boys.
Rhode Island Reds have a tendency toward aggression although there are always exceptions of course
I'd like about 7 hens.
Absolutely no roosters. Even 1 rooster would be a big problem.
The hens would need to be very quiet and docile.
Egg production and feed consumption are not major issues.
Darker colored birds are preferable.

I was thinking sex-links, but it's my understanding that they have health problems as they age and the rate of lay dwindles rapidly. Some say to replace them every two years, which is not acceptable, if that is true.

What are the best breeds for accurate sexing, are quiet/docile and have good longevity for egg laying?
I've had a lot of different breeds over 20 years. I'm not sure I can definitvely say there is a breed that I've had where all individuals have been quiet. Also, every hen is going to have reduced laying past the first laying cycle. They will still lay, but definitely fewer eggs that may also be of poorer quality as the hen ages. Anyway, to your list:

Sex links would be your only option for 100% pullets. I have only had black sex links. Had one that lived to 11 before coyotes wiped out the flock. Great layers early that do slow down with age, but that 11 year old did still lay a few eggs at 8.

There's no guarantee every individual of a breed will be quiet. Ones that were more likely to be a fit for you could include Australorp, Orpington, Easter Egger, Chantecler, Barnevelder, Plymouth Rock (we had whites, but they come in other colors), Turken, Sussex and black sex link.

Breeds to avoid at all costs: any Mediterraneans. Outstanding layers, but they tend to be talkative, LOUD, and very busy. Cochins, bantam or LF. Lousy layers, some are noisy, they all want to go broody. Have had several quit laying by 4 years of age or earlier, and currently have one hen that crows every morning. Silkies, because they are poor layers. Polish, and probably every crested breed, because that crest makes them skittish.
I have 6 buff orpingtons and they are 11 weeks old. I have very close neighbors so I was also concerned about noise. I can honestly say that they make virtually no noise at all any when they do, It’s not louder than a persons normal talking voice. I got 4 Australorp chicks on the other hand who are only 3 1/2 weeks old and they Peep constantly. I can’t speak to egg laying yet as mine are not old enough. But I chose these breeds for temperament and out of consideration for my neighbors.

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