Rüłęr Øf Ñìght-Å Wärrìor Çats Roleplay


Coldshard grabbed a few leaves and started chewing them into a poultice. "I bet Crowpaw didn't think to do that," he mumbled.
He spread them on his wounds.
"Oh StarClan....I'm..."Morningpaw paused, rapidly drawing her paw over her injured eye. She let out a soft squeal of alarm."Coldshard!"She whipped her head to look at him."I can't see out of that eye!"
"Oh StarClan....I'm..."Morningpaw paused, rapidly drawing her paw over her injured eye. She let out a soft squeal of alarm."Coldshard!"She whipped her head to look at him."I can't see out of that eye!"
"Oh, gosh," Coldshard said. "Ask Heronpaw to help you, I can't do anything about it."
Coldshard sat with a crooked lip, feeling helpless.
Morningpaw continued rubbing her eye with her paw, hissing in anger. She gave up, sitting back. She stared at the ground, letting out a agitated huff."It'll be fine, I'm fine. It'll wear off, I just have something stuck in my eye Thats blocking my vision, that's all. It'll be fine, I swear."She meowed, half convincingly. But it sounded more like she was convincing herself then him.
Coldshard spoke the truth. "I don't know. Many Forestclan cats become blind in one eye from injury." He was lucky. He just would gain another mask of scars on scars.

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