Raccoon attack

Welcome, and I'm so sorry for your poor ducks.
Only hardware cloth is adequate to keep out predators, anything with larger openings will let weasels, rats, and raccoon hands in.
Many of us have learned the very hard way that we needed to upgrade our housing, and it's awful! I hope you are on it ASAP, because that varmit will be back, with more family members, until the coop is fixed.
Yes we spent the whole day Sunday trying to fix it!
Thank you for all your advice, we doctored them with all the things, kept them in the house so they were warm and hopefully not in to much pain. We took them to the vet she said their wounds were too extensive! Our poor drakes laceration was all the way to the stomach, and he wasn’t eating or drinking. And our sweet little Isabelle’s, backside was so torn to shreds l, bone exposed tail bone shattered, she said she would have to send her to an aviation specialist to try to put her back together. So we decided to let them go and end their suffering. They were snuggled up together in the end and my heart breaks for what they went through! The fencing was 1” X 2” so it just reached its hands in the gaps and grabbed ahold of them! Our pen is all boarded up in one end and I had thought if a predator attacked they would go to the safe end, Now I know if they are frantic they run around and it probably just chased and terrorized them. There were marks like it tried to dig under the area that’s all boarded up. I left the other end like a run so they could have good air flow, but they like to sleep in the open area, I think it snuck up in them while they were asleep. We reenforced everything with smaller gage fencing and set traps and locked the dog in the same area as the duck pen. Hopefully we will catch this culprit before he gets anymore ducks or chickens. Thank you for all the encouragement, we are very sad and my whole flock is so depressed now! I have watched this site for months now and I have learned so much. I’m sad this had to be my first post.
Awww! So sorry for your loss it’s tough to lose an animal especially when you are attached, I tend to get attached to animals much quicker than I do people so it’s always hard for me! Hope you catch the raccoon they can be vicious animals!

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