Raising our 1st set of CX meaties

If the EE was a hen, and I was within driving distance, Id gladly pay 10! I have too many roosters myself!

We are definitely over-run with roosters here. I have 8 altogether. EE, black Frizzle, black Silkie, two Buff Brahma bantams, grey mystery pigeon, two mutts. It wouldn't be so terrible if they didn't all start crowing in turns at 3:30am
Angelicia, how fast are you going to expand? Check out the Shreveport Craig's list. Under garden and farms. Walkin cooler and freezer. Deer processing plant closed down. Yes, pricey right now. But how often do these things come along. Right? Just to get your mind clickening
We started with the thought...just 5-8 for us every few months....Mwahahaha
Hey ladies, been sick a few days and missing out on everything.  I'm out of Shreveport.  I'm not going to buy but a few meaties this year.  Maybe a couple of times because of freezer space.  When I get a new one I'll probably put my toe in at 25. :lau     I have absolutely no help or hubby so I'm on my own.  I did place my order through Sandhill a few days ago.  5 White Dorkings, 5 Lt Sussex and 5 New Hampshire.  Along with 10 assorted heavies to even out the 25.  This is the start of my breeding plan.  I want to do red sex links to sell as well as a heavy duty good tasting bird.  We'll see on this.  It will take months to get them so I also ordered 5 White Rocks and 5 Delawares and extras to get my egg layers going.  They will be delivered 3/20.  So excited.  :ya
Omg! Yes thank you so much for the heads up, I'm on it!
Angelicia, how fast are you going to expand?  Check out the Shreveport Craig's list.  Under garden and farms.  Walkin cooler and freezer.  Deer processing plant closed down.  Yes, pricey right now.  But how often do these things come along.  Right?   Just to get your mind clickening  :jumpy
We had a break in weather today so decided to process a set. We did 14 birds today and will do the rest next week.
We fed them at dinner yesterday and then did not feed them today, they did get some free range time while we set up tho and always have access to water.

It would have been REALLY nice if in all the research and advice and studying someone Whoulda mentioned that even after a chickens been plucked and beheaded- they still "ba-gawk!" & "cluck". And that they like to wait to do so until you're knuckle deep cleaning them...but nope, don't ever remember that. Now will ALWAYS.

The ez plucker is amazing. Just saying. I'm exhausted and gonna sneak in a nap lol here's some pics.
These bird were 4-4.5lbs each dressed.
Live was 5-6lbs each.
I am feeling very pleased :)






Nice job, nice birds!!!!
Sorry...didn't think to mention they "talk" to you sometimes. It's just one of those funny things that happen.
Bee, I think it happens when the head is chopped off above the voice box....or the equivalent thereof......so when you are pushing around trying to eviscerate it, it forces air through it and it makes a noise. I had that happen once, and the larynx was still there.....just sayin'

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