Ready for the Government Shutdown?!?

Yes it's happened many times before. The last was in (I believe) 1997 when Clinton was president. It's not near as big a deal as they make it sound it will be. The military will still be deployed, the post office will be open as usual, and many people will still be getting paid. It's a scare tactic. And a great political bargaining chip. Both sides will be able to blame the other side for shutting down the government. The budget is TRILLIONS of dollars. If they can't cut out a measly 100 billion from trillions, they deserve to shut down, imo.
I know that it happens all the time here. They're always threatening to shut down the state offices if a budget isn't passed. I remember a couple cases where IOU's were issued to state workers, but the reps all got paid. Go figure. They are the ones that make the most and likely don't need the money as badly.
yes and the sad thing is i think dem , want only 33 billion and rep. want like 60 billion...i say shut it down and save a few dollars until the two hard headed parties can come together.
I know the social security administration will have furloughs if the budget isn't passed yay! for time off boo! for time off without pay. Lets hope they can get it worked out.
My husband works for the National Guard and will NOT get paid - so no, not all military gets paid. On top of that he will be home driving me batty. Thank goodness we live below our means so have plenty of savings to get us through. The time it happened under Clinton it lasted 21 days.
I'm sure that they'll reach an agreement before too long and things will settle down except for the political infighting. But as has been pointed out we have a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit with a 14 trillion dollar debt and 100 billion dollars in cuts is a drop in the bucket.
The government shutting down? Does this mean they won't be doing anything in the best interest of the American people or doing the job they were elected and are paid to do?
My question is, how will we know the difference between a shutdown and any other day?
So when they are not shut down I have always waited 5-6 weeks to get any overpayment I have never gotten a refund on my taxes that would take a much better accountant then I have LOL

It is a shame the dems could NOT pass a budget when they had control of the senate the congress and the presidency ROFL now they want to "blame" someone for starting to act like grownups ROFL

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