Ready for the Government Shutdown?!?

like those crooks are going to do that. People complain about the " welfare" programs but the truth is the true welfare queens are the elected officials in power. They are a drain on our system, do nothing, and keep the rest of the hard working populace down while they deflect our attention from the real problem. them.
On the news they said there were 800,000 non-essential workers that would be laid off. If they're non-essential, why do we need them in the 1st place? Talk about a waste of hardworking taxpayer's money.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

This. It costs money to shut down the government and costs to restart it. There are no savings.

This isn't about savings. The level of misunderstanding people have about how the government works...

You are so right. In CA the furlough days were proven to cost more than they saved. What a joke.​
How 'bout we just keep the doors shut permanently?
I'll happily volunteer for guard duty.

Jennh - excellent point. Common sense says that every government job costs at least one private sector job simply by necessity. Thanks to bureaucratic ineffeciency and the jungles of red tape, a government job will typically cost two or more private sector jobs.
Non-essential is a bit of a misnomer, really. In local government, essential personnel are police, fire, EMT, water treatment, waste management, and anyone required to keep important facilities running. All of the clerical workers, most park workers (except in disasters), accountants, etc. are non-essential in an emergency.

For the feds, that is a little more broad. I agree that there are a LOT of jobs that really are non-essential, though. The feds run a lot of over-lapping programs that are wasteful and unnecessary.
My husband and I are both in the Air Force and yes we will get paid but only when the budget comes through....but your bet your big behind that the people responsible for this shut down are still going to be getting paid! We will get back pay only when they decide to give it to us, so we may miss a whole pay period and most military members do not make much money so they live pay check to paycheck, it's going to hurt until we do get paid.
Heckel's Hens :

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I read in an Armytimes article today that retirement spending comes out of a trust, and is therefore unaffected and already allotted for.

I'm not 100% sure that retirement will be affected. A fellow military retiree PMd me earlier today and said we are not supposed to be included, however, I guess I have to see the money in my account to be 100% sure of it. Whatever happens, I have not one bit of control over it so will hunker down and wait it out with my chickens.​
I cant get it to link..i tried copy and paste..
Can anyone get this up for me to see? Thanks!

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