Really bummed, and confused?

Wow, thanks! That was really helpful. I have hope once again!

Perhaps some of them are okay, its just because they're blue that I can't see veins too well?

Its been over a year since I've hatched so I'm a bit rusty and my candling eye is out of practice.
Good news! I can see veins and even movement in some of the remaining eggs!

I had to get rid of two more that were obvious quitters, but I still have 5 out of 11 eggs (8 of which were shipped, so that's not bad!) and it looks like our original hatch date may be on target after all. I'm starting to think that the low temps in the beginning didn't really thwart progress as much as I thought.

What a relief. Even if I only get one chick out of this hatch, I will be happy. I really thought I had lost them all.
I had some quitters mine were fridge eggs wanted to see if it would work, I hatched out 3 EE and one still in egg with movement. some did quit almost there.
I'm getting discouraged again. Most of the eggs appear as if the air cells are getting larger. Only one egg looks promising at this time, and its one of my chickens eggs, not one of the shipped eggs!

Its almost time for lockdown. I guess I'll just wait and see, if they don't hatch I'll do the float test. Or maybe I'll do the float test now before lockdown?? I'm not sure how to proceed, but I'm thankful I set that other batch of eggs so I still have something to look forward to.

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