reasonably priced sebastopol goslings?

Purebred persian cats, IMHO most useless animal ever lol (my family bred them) but they are beautiful and friendly. A show quality female had an offer of $3,000 + shipping, from one breeder charged $1,500 + first pick of litter got you a high quality breeder. $50 for a good gosling seems quite reasonable. Pets aren't always about utility.

Not saying a mixed breed cat is not a great cat, I have 2, or that a less expensive breed of goose is not awesome (honestly I wish I had room for a flock of White Chinese) but sometimes you just pay more for a special breed, especially when its from a breeder who has really worked with their animals to get the best traits.

That said watch craigslist, sometimes you can find adult pairs for less when people have to rehome them (seen them on our CL time to time).
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~ sigh~
Talk about taking a word and running with it.
Maybe I should of said "fancy" instead of "special."
I never implied that Sebastopols were superior to other breeds of geese.
It's sort like of buying a fan tail pigeon vs. an ordinary, every day, run of the mill pigeon.
This is nothing new or unique to Sebastopols.

- Edited to add -
Over the years I have spend thousands and thousands of dollars on pet quality horses, dogs, cats, goats AND Sebastopol
Geese and never once thought I was getting ripped off or the breeders were underhanded or dishonest.
Nor was I ever freaked out when any day old goslings I purchased didn't turn out to be show quality,.
This notion that its unethical to sell pet quality is really grasping at straws in an effort to discredit others.
Recently I was looking into buying a pet quality, with no papers, Great Pyrenees puppy for $800.
It never entered my mind that the breeder was trying to rip me off.
But maybe that's just me.
Sorry I just don't get the critique on selling pet quality Sebastopols.
Nobody I know of is getting ridiculously high prices for them anyway.
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Thank you everyone! I will look more into getting a pair once I have the cage built and have the time and some extra money to care for them. Thank you for the offers! I might talk to you later about that. I was mostly just asking out of curiosity for now.
How many free sebastopols do you have available?

Hi, spectrumranch do you still have black francolins? any for sale?

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