Recurring Sickness in Ducks


Nov 11, 2018
Hi there! First time poster here :)

I've had Pekins and Indian Runners for a number of years without any problems, but I've lost three (1 Pekin and 2 IR) over the past three months. One by one-- and all about a month apart-- the ducks would start flopping with their wings instead of walking/walking slowly and sometimes laying their heads down on the ground. I've tried quarantined them, and one made it! The others didn't, and now another is showing signs of the same thing.

I read on here that activated charcoal helped keep toxins at bay, so they've been getting that in their water. But I don't know what else it could be. They're in a penned area that has both grass and dirt, they have a kiddie pool that's kept fresh, and they sleep in a coop with pine chips. They eat pellets and worms, and I don't think there are any plants back there that are toxic to ducks.

They haven't laid in 5 months, and I'm afraid I'm just going to keep losing them :(

Any ideas what it could be?
Welcome to BYC. Sure sounds like a toxin the way you describe their symptoms but if their isn’t anything in their pen that is toxic maybe not . Have you looked over the area for something that could be making them sick or metal of any kind that might be in there? How old and how are they now that you started the charcoal? Very sorry for your loss.
Thank you both! They are only a year and half old. I haven't noticed any difference since adding the charcoal. Their pen is made of chicken wire, but there's no metal on the ground they could ingest...

Here's a video:

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