Red Laced Cornish X and project talk (pics p. 8)

Thank you Charley.
Your extreems are even worse than ours! All but one of mine [my best Ameraucana cockeral........ as far as show looks], stayed healthy. However, the two Cornish cockerals appeared to have been kept inide and conditioned for showing; they lost weight in my modest set up, but stayed healthy.
Thank you Katy. They would look better to me if they started showing some interest in the pullets.
Finally caught one of the DCs [the younger one in fact] at least attempting to do the job I hired them for.
He never got her fertile unless that particular Ameraucana pullet has a vent in the middle of her back, but was really happy just to see him show up for work regardless of his lack of job skills.
Steve, that sounds similar to my Silkie roosters trying to mate the two Dark Cornish girls. If those girls would squat, the boys looked like they reached. When the two brohers would try any of the big fluffy butt hens, it was a different story. My husband says the Silkies just go for the big girls.

When I was preparing my order, I asked my mother "Do you think a two-pound Silkie could mate a four-pound hen?" My mother started giggling.

"Or die trying!"

I have now seen what she meant! Big rooster attitude in a cute, fluffy little package.

Y'all keep up the great thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one learning a lot!
I weighed my chicks today, and was pleased with their growth.
The [Ameraucana x CX] chicks, hatched 1/1/11, now average 3 lbs, 8 oz; compared to their hatchmates, [Ameraucana x SS] and [Ameraucana x BLRW], at 1 lb, 8 oz. They've been raised on 18% grower from a creep feeder and running with the older chickens in winter weather since feathering. They turned 8 weeks yesterday. [I found some 21% priced lower than 18%, so today they are getting spoiled]

The first chick from the same cross [Am x CX] has lost its CX appearence and gotten tall. However, the breast meat, by feel, is much heavier than the EE;s. [Its also now starting to look rooish] Hatched 11/21/10, it now weighs 5 lbs, 6 oz; compared to its EE hatchmates at 2 lbs, 5 oz.. I believe they're just shy of 14 weeks, and the [Am x CX] would serve well as a frier at this time.

I would guesstimate that running with a mature flock in subzero temperatures has set them all back at least two weeks.
Because quality Cornish are so difficult to find, I've offered some hatchery quality WLRC eggs, fertilized by show quality Dark Cornish, for aution here at BYC; there's a link in my signature. Near that auction, you can also find blue/green eggers bred to SQ Dark Cornish. There is a slight possibility to get a CX cross in these eggs. They won't be top of the line Cornish, but may possibly be the highest quality Cornish type you can find in hatching eggs.
Steve - hope you don't mind - I did some digital tweaking to your pictures - let me know what you think.





BTW I love this thread - just been lurking since I really don't have anything to contribute (yet!).

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