Releasing my Mallard...mixed emotions

You did the right thing
Releasing a duck is alot different than releasing a deer or a hog. Ducks are natural foragers and Im sure she can find some reeds or leaves to bed down in. I would keep placing feed out though near the pond. I have a few rescued ducks that were once wild and are now happily domesticated. Sure, in the morning they yell to be put out like little brats but by 8 pm they make their way back into their night time yard, not help needed.
Absolutely, you did the correct thing. Every year, I raise approx 70 ducklings that are brought in, orphaned, to the wildlife rehab centre. When they reach a certain age, they are set outside for the day and brought in at night (just like you did). This process is called "soft release". They, themselves, determine when the time is right for them to fly away. If they are around at night, they get brought in. If they choose to spend the night outside off site, well......what can we do? but accept the fact that they are doing what they were meant to do. They will find a pond and something yummy to eat and do what comes naturally to them. You might see her again in your yard, you might not. But you have given her a good chance at a happy life. Good for you! As a side note, as the Wood Ducks are so unlike the Mallards that I raise in terms of them being hysterical, they do not experience the soft release method, instead...once they have reached a certain age (approx 65 days), they are banded and set free usually shooting off into the sky like jet fighters. They have not spent ANY time outside on their own at this point but have been penned (with some grass time) their whole life. Last year, one of my ducks turned up in Thunder Bay, Ontario and 2 were turned in in North Carolina. 500 miles from my home in either direction. I think they did okay on their own, don't you? Don't did your ducky the best thing for her.
You did the right thing!!!! And don't ever let ANYONE tell you different! A wild duck is meant to be wild, no matter what circumstances fall in their way. Congratulations to you on your successful release!!
Thank you so much everyone for the comments! Thank you so much for the picture comments, and compliments too!! After reading the very first comment I was a little nervous about releasing her, but after all the reassuring comments I felt much better! Each persons comments were so unique, and interesting. Thank you so much for taking the time out to write me!

I saw her yesterday, she came back!!! It had been raining for 2 days straight, and I was worried about her. It hasnt rained here all summer, and the day after I release her...rain for 2 days straight! I was cooking dinner yesterday and I glanced out the window by my pond. Surprisingly, there was Beauty walking up out of the water and through the pouring rain. I yelled out "omg, there she is!" and my parents and son ran to the window. I ran outside through the pouring rain, and down to the pond. She sat under the weeping willow tree for a little while, then hopped back in the pond and paddled away. I was so excited to see her happy and healthy!

When I told my son (he just turned 3 August 18th) that she flew away he cried so hard. He's not an emotional kid, and never cries so I was so sad for him. He called her "his duck" and asked "why did my ducky fly away on me?" He now wants a "black ducky" (although the indian runner-pekin mix is his ducky too). Where do I find a black Cayuga at this time of year?? (I didn't tell him this, but Cayugas are my dream ducks too) lol.

Today I passed by a spot on the river where there are tons of ducks. There must have been over a hundred ducks there today, which is more than I have ever seen before. The spot is a fishing spot with a pier, and small picnic park. The town has duck food on the shore for the ducks at all times. I realized how happy these ducks were and am now considering capturing her back, and releasing her there. Id love to see her come back every year to my pond, but its selfish when she can be with hundreds of other ducks. This way she can live a normal duck life, and I can always go see her there if I want to since she is tagged. Its about 15 mintues away from me, but I pass by there anyway almost every week.
Oh, and I forgot to add... yes she does have food, and shelter available at all times if she needs it! Thanks for adding that Wifezilla! My 3 year old (its still hard to say since he just turned it on the 18th!!) saw your avatar when I was reading all the comments and he said "omg, that is sooo cool!" lol
Wow, that duck spot on the river sounds heavenly. She may find it on her own if it's that close, but I think I'd consider capturing & relocating her too. And she may come back anyway--ducks sometimes have an uncanny sense for finding "home"--which your place will always be for her. It's where she grew up.

I'm so glad you got to see her again. She's safe and happy, and she knows where to go when she's homesick.

And, don't worry about the rain--my ducks LOVE the rain. They simply will not go into their shelter when it's raining--they want to be out IN it. I'm sure she's very pleased with the way things are turning out.
I would leave her where she don't want to confuse her now. And though 15 minutes away isn't far, if she has decided that your pond is "home" she will travel the distance to return there, adding more dangers in her path. You've done the right thing, now is the hardest part....leave her be, and let nature take it's course. She may find that other place on her own, but if she doesn't, then she wasn't meant to.
I saw a thing on tv about some people who had had a pair of ducks on their pool and the following year they had returned with dozens and dozens of their duck friends.

you never know

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