REMINDER to parents of young ones...

Just found out my 16 yo DD reactivated her facebook after I deactivated it and she changed the password so I could not deactivate it again. Any way around that? Very sneaky girl. I need to be on my toes with this one.
Yikes, Mr Contrary here. Either we were lucky or right---who knows. We never monitored our kids, spanked them, or restricted them in any way. We did teach them to think for themselves and encouraged them to follow their own life/career plans. Both (boy & girl) went on to higher education and both have good relationships and full time jobs with benefits. They got to go hunting and fishing at a young age (played with fire, guns, and sharp objects). Most teenagers will rebel against authority, when ours wanted to do something, we would support the things we agreed with and point out societies consequences for immoral, unethical, or illegal behavior. Many of my co-workers told horror stories of their kids---ours never did anything like that and let us know what they were up too and asked our advise for most things (not always taken, of course). When my daughter was in college, I asked her why she wasn't dating, I hadn't had any hormone driven kids knocking on my door? She said she didn't have time for that stuff and all the boys she knew were stupid anyway. She was studying forensics, she is now employed by the State highway patrol in a forensics career and married to a wonderful guy who is into motel management. My son when he was 14, I bought him a POS diesel farm truck that took us 4 times the purchase price and a year to rebuild up to roadworthy status. He went on to a Tech school and is now employed as a certified diesel mechanic----makes more then I do as a nuclear tech. Perhaps it has something to do with providing a Role Model.
You might contact Facebook directly to let them know you want the account deactivated, as her parent.

I was almost kidnapped as a baby while at the grocery store. My mother leaned over to look at some meat in the cold display, so turned her back on me. When she raised up to put it in the cart, the cart was gone. She went running down the aisles looking for me, and saw a women pushing as fast as she could towards the front doors to leave. Mom's screams for her to stop must've worked, because the woman left me in the cart and ran out the door. Then many years later, as a young teen, my class took a trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. (I think that's what it's called.) Walking around alone, it was enjoyable until this man asked me where some specific fish were. I told him. He asked me to show him, and then kept insisting when I refused. He gave off a creepy vibe and I said I had to leave. At the hotel later, it dawned on me that where he wanted me to go was dark and not many people would be there. It gave me the shivers. That was nearly 30 years ago, and things are even more serious now.
I don't envy today's parents.

Kudos to all of you who are so vigilant. Your children will understand someday and thank you for it, if they're not already.
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Simple... get the password from her and dont let her touch a computer again for a long time... (and i dont mean a piddley 2 weeks either ...She needs to know that you are SERIOUS)
If her cell has internet service... take the phone away too...
And thats letting her off very easy IMO
Simple... get the password from her and dont let her touch a computer again for a long time... (and i dont mean a piddley 2 weeks either ...She needs to know that you are SERIOUS)
If her cell has internet service... take the phone away too...
And thats letting her off very easy IMO

I agree.

OP, how scary and what a relief!!!
I did take her cell away. She uses her friend while in school. I think I will contact facebook. Sorry didn't mean to hi-jack the thread.
At least you ask for help and we gave it LOL! Smart parents know where to ask and if they ask, they will never know.

Kudos to all parents who are extra vilagence toward their kids. It is not an easy job! Even my daughter is six years old, I do not have computer access for her just yet nor do I want her to "mess" up the computer. Most parents would give their kids everything but my DD is not going to get everything. Including a cell phone!
OMG you all know what Facebook and all those sights are, right? FOURTH GRADE. I REPEAT FOURTH GRADE. Going on FB and the kicker: NONE of their pages are private. Sure, I want a Facebook, but I know it's not tooo safe...I even saw a third grader on there just irritates me. And at school everyone is like," Oh, today at 3:00 meet me on Facebook! Post new pics!" It's crazy, I just wanna slap some ppl...

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