Renamed the rooster.........

Punt made another run at me this afternoon with his wings out and made contact with the boot. Punt ..... into the shavings he went rump first. He decided to pick some grain I had spilled earlier .... he had that "I wasn't really trying or I would have flogged you" look on his face! I'll have to make him watch tv with me sometime! I can tune out The View just like I tune out the hubby noises ... I mean the tune out the dogs barking ... yeah that's it ... I never tune out dh!

Today was great. I let Punt and Bruce out of the little cage (yes, I named the other rooster Bruce - I don't know why ... but he just looks like a Bruce) and there was a big hen sitting in the nest box. Punt thumps Bruce who then goes to eat and sulk on the other side of the coop and then fluff. Hark! Punt sees the hen in the box. Captive victim!!! He walks over and pecks her in the head and she came out of the nesting box like her rear was on fire! She instantly hit him with her chest and knocked him back and then grabbed his comb and taught him some manners. It was great! She let him go and walked around in front of the nesting box making loud bawk bawk noises and then went back to her nest box to lay an egg. Punt ran back into his cage and stayed in there for a few minutes. Bruce was untouched and seemed pretty happy! Punt didn't get hurt other than his pride! Last I saw he was leaving the hens alone when they came in the coop. Neither him nor Bruce has ventured out the little door into the real world yet. They go in the small cage at night so they don't get into layer feed. They have baby feed still.

I love chickens! All that personality and they are just plain fun to watch!

edited - I can't spell "chicken" tonight!
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