sorry if I was confusing, I have a degree in being confusing...🏆

I mean how many replies there were and the convo goin' on.
I’m still lost lol but yeah, there’s been a lot of good replies and cute reptiles and everything
So, when my brother bought these lizards we were all completely inexperienced. I mean we got them the right lights and setup and everything but we barely did any research. So we did not know everything we needed to.
So we fed them every day, we would just throw some crickets in there and leave them be. That means there were quite a few crickets left in there. We didn’t know you were supposed to take crickets out at night, biggest mistake we made! We woke up in the morning and went downstairs to feed the lizards and low and behold the crickets had eaten off little guys back feet and part of his left side. We thought he was a goner for sure, so we got a little cracker box and put him in there to let him pass peacefully (if this had been my lizard then I would’ve brought him to the vet but my mom hates spending money on the vet and we were all too young) So we just let him be on the counter for about an hour. After that my mom checked on him and he was doing great, his eyes were full of life and he was not ready to die. Then we decided to nurse him back to health, we were still unsure if he would make it but we did the best we could to help him.
Little guy barely grew at all after that, he has a very bad shaped spine and he still had the curve in his side but he is doing great otherwise! He and Ziggy are now my lizards and I am finally experienced in how to care for them!

Some people might find the picture of Little Guy’s legs disturbing so if you don’t think you can handle it don’t keep scrolling. He’s completely healed now so it’s not nasty or anything.

Picture below
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Thank you for sharing your experience! I had no idea you shouldn't leave crickets in their tank over night. Unfortunate that happened but, he obviously has a lot of life in him to continue. 6 years, wow!
Everywhere I read, says they're harder to take care of when they're babies(?).
Hey I didn’t know there was a reptiles thread! Here’s my beardies, Little Guy the handicapped bearded dragon and Ziggy! They are siblings and they get along great because of little guys accident. Little Guy’s growth was stunted so he is very small.View attachment 2756848View attachment 2756850
Sorry if I interrupted your conversation guys :p
They are beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your experience! I had no idea you shouldn't leave crickets in their tank over night. Unfortunate that happened but, he obviously has a lot of life in him to continue. 6 years, wow!
Everywhere I read, says they're harder to take care of when they're babies(?).
I highly recommend feeding Dubia roaches. Crickets and mealworms are my last choice for feeders because they can bite and harm your lizard.

I have a bearded dragon that’s 6 1/2, a leopard gecko that’s 8, and a water dragon that’s brand new I got on Mother’s Day.

Bearded dragons need greens daily. Google greens for bearded dragons. Not sure the age of yours but mine eats organic spring mix, I don’t have to chop it up anymore because she’s huge.

Have one side of the tank with a basking area and another that’s on the cooler side. Unsure how big your tank is, but they need space. Also letting them out if possible is always a nice thing to do.

I feed my Dubia roaches daily with greens so they have nutrients in them when the lizards eat them. I also feed them roach chow. I have 2 colonies… super easy to care for and they multiply slowly at first, but now it seems they multiply super fast!

Bearded dragons seem to be the easiest of all my lizards. Even though the water dragon is definitely quite cool.
I highly recommend feeding Dubia roaches. Crickets and mealworms are my last choice for feeders because they can bite and harm your lizard.

I have a bearded dragon that’s 6 1/2, a leopard gecko that’s 8, and a water dragon that’s brand new I got on Mother’s Day.

Bearded dragons need greens daily. Google greens for bearded dragons. Not sure the age of yours but mine eats organic spring mix, I don’t have to chop it up anymore because she’s huge.

Have one side of the tank with a basking area and another that’s on the cooler side. Unsure how big your tank is, but they need space. Also letting them out if possible is always a nice thing to do.

I feed my Dubia roaches daily with greens so they have nutrients in them when the lizards eat them. I also feed them roach chow. I have 2 colonies… super easy to care for and they multiply slowly at first, but now it seems they multiply super fast!

Bearded dragons seem to be the easiest of all my lizards. Even though the water dragon is definitely quite cool.
Thank you for the information! We just need a larger tank but having a terrible time finding one for a good deal.
Definitely have a lot to learn.

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