I want to get a snake so bad.
I regularly visit a few places that have reptiles though.
This is from just yesterday. The boa constrictor was so sweet. He was wiggly with everyone else at first but as soon as I took him he settled down in my arms.
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Though after a while he decided to check out my backpack and got all tangled in it. He did this twice

Here's a baby king snake
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They also had an adult king snake
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And this is Rain Man, the Brazilian rainbow boa
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They have a 4 month old boa constrictor too. Pretty morph
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Those are soooo pretty! :love I'm still too scared to hold anything other than the ball-pythons 😅😂
I still really want a ball python and made the mistake of signing up for emails from this one particular breeder so I keep getting emails how they added 30, 40, 50, new snakes today and I’m always like AHHHH cause they’re always so pretty and I want them all hahah
So now you just window shop lol.
:lau good one!
So expensive!

We might be getting a normal adult ball-python for free, later today. My DH was asking about adoptions at the serpentarium store when a girl overheard and said she's been looking to get rid of her snake. When asked how much she says free to a good home.
I'm like, it's too good to be true until it's in our hands.
You'd be surprised how many people are selling them vs. The store but you have to be careful.
We got a baby snake from a beginner local breeder from OfferUp for $60 and she ended up being impacted. Couldn't get ahold of the breeder after that 🙄. The cost alone was over $100 to save her life so we gave her to the serpentarium; she was sent to their vet in less than a week and survived. Got adopted right away after.
Learned a lot since then....
Bought another snake at the end of December from the pet store; didn't quarantine as we were suppose to and she had mites. Got to one of our other snakes and it took almost 3 months to fully get rid of them.
Now, we've got a quarantine box set up and everything.
Lots of lessons could have been avoided.
Those are soooo pretty! :love I'm still too scared to hold anything other than the ball-pythons 😅😂

So now you just window shop lol.

:lau good one!

So expensive!

We might be getting a normal adult ball-python for free, later today. My DH was asking about adoptions at the serpentarium store when a girl overheard and said she's been looking to get rid of her snake. When asked how much she says free to a good home.
I'm like, it's too good to be true until it's in our hands.
You'd be surprised how many people are selling them vs. The store but you have to be careful.
We got a baby snake from a beginner local breeder from OfferUp for $60 and she ended up being impacted. Couldn't get ahold of the breeder after that 🙄. The cost alone was over $100 to save her life so we gave her to the serpentarium; she was sent to their vet in less than a week and survived. Got adopted right away after.
Learned a lot since then....
Bought another snake at the end of December from the pet store; didn't quarantine as we were suppose to and she had mites. Got to one of our other snakes and it took almost 3 months to fully get rid of them.
Now, we've got a quarantine box set up and everything.
Lots of lessons could have been avoided.
:lau exactly! Window shopping but the online version lol

And they areeee 😭 though not as much as that $4500 one hahah and I’ve seen several for $8, $9, $10K

And oh wow! I hope you get her!!! And sorry about all the other troubles!
Hi, reptile freak here.
I have one reptile at the moment, my central bearded dragon. His name is Sam, he's almost six, and he is the most attention-seeking reptile ever!
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I am wanting to get a snake soon, some sort of python, not sure which one yet. I also eventually want to get a goanna and a frill neck.

I have a colony of banded sugar ants and a stick insect.
I’d suggest ball python, they’re nice.
I saw this, and I was like *click* when I saw reptile! Don’t even get me started on reptiles. My parents hates them, but... we have 2 houses! And, he lets me keep them. I keep, and kill brown anoles, Cuban tree frogs, and most invasive animals.
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I do keep the tegus I catch, I have caught 2, and kept one. I gave the other one to a lady who already has one, that acts, and roams around her house like a dog. The other I gave her is a female adult golden tegu I trapped.... anyway... my tegu has a cage (if I remembered right) 6 ft by 8 ft.
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I have a black racer, Apollo Mamba is his two names (it keeps changing) which is now three feet.
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I catch, raise, and release green anoles, since they are native to Florida. Here is a male I just released:
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And, last, but not least, my two wild caught (invasive) red headed agamas. One is 2 inches (not sure on gender, first 3 pics) which I don’t have a name for, if y’all can help me with names. And, I have a female, who is a few inches long, named ivory (last picture)
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Lucky! We don’t get any reptiles in Alaska…

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