Requesting a peacock crossing sign

I think you could put up all the signs in the world but it won't help. I am a figherfighter and I can get in a huge firetruck, turn on all the lights and sirens and people still don't notice you or yeild to you!
Well, the good thing is that I live in a very rural area, and we don't have that much traffic. Maybe 1 car an hour.
All the people that drive on that road live around there, so maybe they would get used to slowing down around that corner.
we are in town and up the road a little ways is a peacock farm that has been there forever. My friend lives across the road and they come to visit her all the time cuz she feeds them cereal and bird food and stuff. They love the road for some reason and NEVER ever move out of the way!. She's tried a lot of things but she said the only way to keep them in the yard and safe was to pen them up.... They sure are beautiful birds! She even has a couple albino ones! I had never seen an albino peacock before! Beautiful!
Those would be white ,not Albino. Don't think there are any albino out there yet. White are common, peafowl come in over 200 colors and patterns.
WOW thats great news , those would be very eyes yep those would be Albino....have not seen any yet, that would be a new color (or lack of), to add to the UPA colors list.
That would be so cool! But I thought that true albinos had pink eyes. I know that's true of mammals and reptiles. I don't know if it's true of birds.
My geese like to visit the neighbors across the road (I guess they think the grass is greener)...maybe I should see if the DOT will put up a geese crossing sign for me?
I live as rural as it gets and it doesn't help. I wish it did but the sign would look cool. I get about 5 cars per day down my road. We don't even have a blinking light! Only a fire station and no other buildings or businesses. It's really sad but I can't even get caller ID at my home because the lines are too old to carry the info.

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