Rescued bird, is it a hen? Any idea of breed?

Yes either are likely guesses, I’ve been looking at New Hampshire reds which seem to be more of a lighter red like this. Production red isnt a breed I knew about but that looks even closer now that you all have mentioned and I’m looking it up.
Some (if not all), hatcheries use rhode island red X new hamshire red to make a production red.
@Overo Mare i haven’t known a bird of any three breeds, so I really on the Internet to show me what they look like. I’m not sure google Images qualifies for a good teacher, so I’m wondering exactly what do New Hampshire Reds look like? I know what they’re SUPPOSED to look like, but are the images of New Hampshire Red chickens that look more like PRs, true New Hampshire Reds that are just poorly bred, or mislabeled PRs/RIRs.

Just curious! I have in the last seen New Hampshire Reds that looked just like PRs, and I’m wondering if they actually could have been PRs or if they where just not bred correctly/bred differently.
@Overo Mare i haven’t known a bird of any three breeds, so I really on the Internet to show me what they look like. I’m not sure google Images qualifies for a good teacher, so I’m wondering exactly what do New Hampshire Reds look like? I know what they’re SUPPOSED to look like, but are the images of New Hampshire Red chickens that look more like PRs, true New Hampshire Reds that are just poorly bred, or mislabeled PRs/RIRs.

Just curious! I have in the last seen New Hampshire Reds that looked just like PRs, and I’m wondering if they actually could have been PRs or if they where just not bred correctly/bred differently.
To be honest, with the way that hatcheries pump them out and the way they get mislabeled, I'm not entirely sure. I always use a slash when I label something close. I will usually say NHR/PR.

I agree though that doing an image search for breeds is extremely unreliable for those exact reasons.
I agree though that doing an image search for breeds is extremely unreliable for those exact reasons.
Image search works for like... maybe five images. And even then, you might find the picture, but it's probably mislabeled.
After that it's a bunch of CX and RSL *sigh*
The public is greatly misinformed on the variety and how far the looks of many breeds deviate from the 'normal' stereotypes that people have set for chickens.
Image search works for like... maybe five images. And even then, you might find the picture, but it's probably mislabeled.
After that it's a bunch of CX and RSL *sigh*
The public is greatly misinformed on the variety and how far the looks of many breeds deviate from the 'normal' stereotypes that people have set for chickens.
When you look up “Lavender Orpington” you will get bright-purple photo shopped chickens :lau
The public is greatly misinformed


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