Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Not really sure. Whatever this is is what I'm using right now.


They pick the biggest pieces and keep digging to find more, dumping the rest out into their area
And when I mean big pieces, I mean the pieces that weren't crushed all that well by the manufacturer and look like a pellet.
Looks like crumbles. I guess they can have pellets then. My how fast our babies grow! Good to see they have voracious appetites! You could wet the crumbles with warm water and make a mash. Mine like mushy food more than dry. BTW how old is Floyd now? He's looking quite handsome!

Come to think of it, my flock totally wasted a lot of the crumbles most of that time. I should've offered them pellets sooner, if it was available.
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Oh yeah my babies are wasteful little squirts. Wish I could tell them there's poor chickens in India who would kill for their leftovers!

I think Floyd is about 6 weeks, give or take a couple days. Not too sure, he could be younger! I'll check out the pellets and see if they like them. Thanks again mommissan

Your idea on Calissa worked. Looks like she WAS protesting the medicated water because I put some regular ole water in there and she drank like she'd been stranded in the desert for days
Poor little Floyd has to stick out the corid water for just two more days then he can have the joys of plain water again. I'm telling you, I have some picky chickens.
Yea!!! I had a sneaky suspicion that may be the issue. Now she should get much better. Chicks get dehydrated so easily. I would say to give Floyd some regular water along with the other, but then he may not touch the Corid water again. At least he is close to being done with it.
"I'm sorry ma'am, it looks like you have a prolapsed egg"

Yessssss, it's called ovulation! You get the idea.
They're great! Thanks for asking. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've had exams like you wouldn't believe in my classes and it's been very hectic organizing the babies and getting in time to study. I love it though and no worries! All A's still across the board.

Floyd and Calissa are eating, drinking, and growing like weeds. You wouldn't believe his crazy comb growth in the past week.


They've been enjoying some outside time, too. They love it and it lets me kick back and relax while getting a little studying in, although I do find myself watching them more than studying

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