Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Such a sweet story! Thank you for rescuing the wee one!

(It is really amazing that she did okay without antibiotic after all those cat-inflicted wounds - to survive, usually little beings need antibiotic after getting kitty saliva in a wound...)

Look forward to hearing more about her, and her new buddies

Pharm girl, I've read a lot of your story on Nando! He's darling and I'm so glad you had the patience to keep working with him to make him the beautiful roo that he is now! As a new chicken momma, I was worried mine wasn't growing but she sure is sprouting up like a weed!

As for names, I think I'm going to name her Flo! I've always wanted to name something this, so here begins Flo's story. Thinking about naming the Silkie Elinette and the Easter Egger Calissa
what do you guys think?

PS, in about 3 or 4 hours I'll have my new babies! Pictures will flood this thread!
So I introduced the babies! She seems to really like Calissa (the Easter Egger) and is a little skeptical of the Elinette (Silkie) but the two new babies LOVE Flo! They copy every move she makes. If she eats, they eat. If she drinks, they drink. They're a bit smaller, but I think they'll mesh well. She didn't peck them TOO much to begin with. Flo still seems to really want me
Oh I love them so much

Picture time!

My little Calissa, the Easter Egger! She's just darling. She looks like a chipmunk down her back

Elinette striking a pose, feeling already at home.
Elinette and Calissa checking out the food and water area (at this time Flo is trying to jump on my shoulder while I'm getting pics of them

Calissa and Elinette poking their heads up over Flo
She's getting to be such a big girl!
You poor thing, an act of kindness has been rewarded with an addiction to chickens. They are so beautiful tho aren't they. We expect to hear alot more from you in re: coop building, runs, getting an incubator, showing them and all manner of things chicken. You are past the point of no return. And I HAVE noticed you still haven't posted a photo of the boyfriend. We'll be kind!
WOW, only a few weeks and you've already trippled your chicken count ;-)
They are VERY cute, I'm glad they are all getting along so well. Grab some popcorn for yourself and sit and watch them, it's better than TV!

I think Flo will always want to be with you, you've been her world for a few weeks. However, she should stop the alarm when you leave ;-)
I've been watching them nonstop for about an hour and didn't even notice the time flying (pun intended)
You know, my bf would get upset if he knew I did this... and he knows I've been on BYC nonstop for a few weeks. If he found this thread he'd go bonkers
But here you go, drumstick diva. Enjoy


As for coops, I'm hoping to get a head start on it this weekend.
Thanks, okay - he passes. You can marry him if you like. Does he have any carpentry skills? Any single older(much older) brothers? Inquiring minds want to know.

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