Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

He looks like he's happy that you got MORE CHICKENS !! He's a keeper
Actually, he does haha. His older brother is.... 37? ish? And he's single
Phil (the bf) is going on 30
so he isn't MUCH older. You guys crack me up.
Geez, I don't know what I was expecting - I could be his oldest brothers -mother (and then some) but really I am MUCH younger on the inside. Most people consider me seriously immature but, I'm sure that just means I have this childlike innocence about me - - or delusional thinking- take your pick.
soooo cute!!! your new chicks are awesome! Now for the coop building --or re purposing! hehe!! You're going to find out it's always 'one more project' then you're done with chickens. ha! I'd say the BF passes too! Also cute! Isn't this whole thing so fun!? Lets just hope it stays with chickens... because turkeys are the sweetest things ever, too!
My turkey even grooms my hair. LOL Good luck with your chickies- and if you need help with coop building or even just ideas- pop over to the coop building link and post any and all questions.
Stay young on the inside and you'll never die old.

As for my daily update on my babies, they're all doing very well! None missing feathers and they seem to have a pecking order sorted out. Flo seems to be having a hell of a great time teaching them cool new tricks. So cute watching her fly up on the perch and the others follow
Can't wait to toss in a worm or a snack and watch the chase
And it's always a plus that I'm getting plenty of sleep now and don't have to "tuck" Flo in anymore
I was SO jealous of the lady's house whom I got the chicks from. She had pigs, peacocks, goats, cows, bunnies, TONS of chickens, guineas, geese, ducks, about 20 chicks that her hens all laid. I felt like I died and went to heaven! It was like Noah's ark up in there! Not to mention her house was gorgeous and she had a lot of farm land. I didn't want to leave!

That's so funny about your turkey
I bet that's a sight to see! And I'm hoping I can get my coop finished this weekend, depending on who I get to help. Might have to bat my eyelashes a little at the BF to talk him into it
(I need a smiley that has a whip
Great story and such cute pictures! My husband thinks I am crazy for being addicted to my chickens and BYC!!! I love watching Chicken TV when I come home from work!

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