Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Thank you! They're fuzzy because I use my phone to take pics since it's super fast that way. And chicken TV is great
He should give it a shot sometime!

Also guys, I'm worried about Flo (or Floyd)'s temperament. She just acts cocky, and mind you, I'm probably being paranoid about this, but I'm speculating whether she is a he or a she. I read online somewhere (and I know info on some pages should be taken with a grain of salt) that roos will start having pointier feathers at the back of their wings. Here's a pic for you guys to look.

And here's a pic just for eye candy

It's probably a bit on the early side to be trying to figure out Flo's (or Floyd) gender. The identifying feathers come in later-- like several more weeks later. She could be just really bossy and she is the oldest. Bigger and older chicks just tend to be pack leaders. (for now) Love the description of the farm you got your chickens from. I consider myself a little hobby farm, too. It keeps me busy all day. I love gardening, working in the yard, and caring for my animals. But it ties you to home. I can't just take off on a trip or a vacation without some serious thought and getting a sitter to come in and go over the routine to feed everyone, and check for injuries daily. Fortunately it's not a hardship for me, because i love being here soooo much, this is where I want to be. I can't wait to see this coop you are planning on building! Did you check out some designs in the small coop section? They have some great ideas and some really adorable ones..not to mention ones that are easy on the budget if you need something cheap.
HAHA love the faces on the two newbies in the second pic, you've taken the photo for us to inspect but they look like they are checking her/him out too! I wonder what they know that we don't!!

That is quite a comb for 3 weeks... my girl's had one like that at 6w! How old is he now?

It would be so much easier if he had a stamp on his head saying what breed he was!!! Then we could compare him at least!
Oh yeah I've been all over the coop section. There's so many to choose from! But I think with what I have I might just go for something simple for now (kind of like the old doghouse look you were talking about) and upgrade to something really cute and fancy later on.

And yeah Animalian, Flo's comb really started sprouting about 4 days ago. She's starting to get feathers all over, so I'm not sure her age, but maybe 3 weeks old? She's really hit a growth spurt in the last week.
The sudden comb and feather growth, as well as the very pink color of the comb in the last pic makes me think that you have a Floyd. Congratulations on your little flock, and welcome to Chicken Addiction!
Rte.66_chicks :

The sudden comb and feather growth, as well as the very pink color of the comb in the last pic makes me think that you have a Floyd. Congratulations on your little flock, and welcome to Chicken Addiction!


My roosters have proven to be macho right out of the egg. They act different than the pullets. More attitude, and first in line for treats.​
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Thank you! They're fuzzy because I use my phone to take pics since it's super fast that way. And chicken TV is great
He should give it a shot sometime!

Also guys, I'm worried about Flo (or Floyd)'s temperament. She just acts cocky, and mind you, I'm probably being paranoid about this, but I'm speculating whether she is a he or a she. I read online somewhere (and I know info on some pages should be taken with a grain of salt) that roos will start having pointier feathers at the back of their wings. Here's a pic for you guys to look.

And here's a pic just for eye candy

It's a little early yet but i bet she's a he. a little roo
Just giving you guys a friendly update on Floyd! He's doing fantastic and I'm pretty sure at this point he is going to be a little roo, but who knows? My little EE and Silkie cannot go anywhere without their daddy Floyd and it is so precious. Oh man and the dust these babies kick up. I'm vacuuming and dusting twice a day now! Due to exams (nursing major
) and other factors I've yet to get started on my coop, but hopefully soon I can get that project in the works. It'll be some nice off-time from my busy schedule.


He's looking more and more scraggly as his feathers come out
Any idea what breed he is?

and my sweet little EE and Silkie babies. I don't know why Elinette's eye looks milky, it's definitely clear so no worries!
With all the 'you guys' you use, are you from Alabama, or an implant? If not, sound like you've been yankeeized pretty good.

The story about the chick is a heart warming one. But explain to me the point of the silkie. Do they lay big brown eggs? This chicken math is starting to worry me. I just told the wife at breakfast I was going to get me two Barred Rock and she said, Preston, don't collect cars, you are collecting chickens. I was telling her about the Barrett/Jackson auction on TV.

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