Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Hope, Hope, Hope...they start feeling better!
For pasty butt, I usually sprinkle some chick grit on their food like once a day & that prevents it pretty well. You'll also want to keep the vent area clean and neat, so as to be less susceptible to pasting. For this, a "Butticure" is recommended - remove the poop from the vent area (soaking it, cutting it from the fluff, whatever works & doesn't stress out your chick), and trim the fluff back aroud the vent (wherever you saw the pasty poop ticking). A close trim won't hurt your chick or affect future feather development. Embroidery scissors work well for this if you have a steady hand. Tiny blunt-tipped scissors work great too, but I am not sure where to find them. If you search for the phrase Butticure on this site, there should be more info that might be useful. Hope this helps!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Got all my stuff in and was setting everything up: new feed (just in case) new and clean grit that I bought, heat lamp, red infrared heat bulb (75W), Corid, electrolytes with added vitamins (which were both SUPER difficult to measure out the right amount to go into a gallon... nursing major. not math major
), and a brand new huge rubbermaid tub. I was super excited for the heat lamp... and then when I plugged in the light... and IT BLEW IMMEDIATELY
I was so upset! The nearest pet store is about an hour away! But I'm going to exchange it tomorrow. The bottom of all the bulbs had a little corrosion on them and just figured it was normal because I was in a hurry to get home and help my kids. Ugh. Wrong move. Now I have a normal 60W bulb in there (it's all I had lying around that wasn't the coiled ones) and I have it about 7 or 8 inches from the bottom of the tub that I lined with newspaper.

Here's to hoping their new set up helps them out! This couldn't be a case of a soured crop, right?
I'll keep y'all posted!

P.S. They snubbed the boiled egg. Picky eaters.
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Now I have a normal 60W bulb in there (it's all I had lying around that wasn't the coiled ones).

I have had 3 different batches of chicks in my house, and i have always used just a regular light bulb in their cage. They should be fine with that, it throws off enough heat. Here is a pic of my cage set up. I usually hang the light from the inside and then move it up about an inch a week because as they grow, they need less and less heat. Just be sure the light is far enough away from the newspaper so it doesn't cause a fire.


I just use a 100 watt bulb along with the brooder light cone thingy, but then again I have 10 chicks right now, so they can huddle for a little more heat.

oh and i have an outdoor brooder and weather that will make you want to stab me in the neck. Never fear, the first winter storm of the year is barreling towards us.


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What do you use as bedding? I want to go to something other than newspaper and I'm afraid just giving them the outside dirt was exposing them to too many parasites
For pasty butt, try some organic unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. Ratio should be about 1 TBS per gallon of water. It's what I used for my Iowa Blues when they all got it right after I brought them home (and did a search on BYC to find out what to do for them). Worked wonders after I got them all cleaned up and added it to their water! Forgot to put the ACV in their water a couple of times and the pasty butt returned... Added it back again and it helped - again. Ever since, I make sure I add ACV to all my gals water! It also helps with all sorts of other ailments or tummy troubles.
Thanks a ton everyone. You don't know how much it means to me. Floyd already seems to be perking up and he's eating a lot more now. Elinette... I've had to dip her beak in the water a few times because she just stands still. She tries to get some food and grit but she's so weak her little head just falls into the bowl and she gives up. It hurts so so much. I've already started saying my goodbyes to her. I still have hope, though, that she can make it through this.

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