Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

What do you use as bedding? I want to go to something other than newspaper and I'm afraid just giving them the outside dirt was exposing them to too many parasites

I always have used pine shavings
Elinette just passed away. I held her in my arms so she was never alone and always warm. I can't help but think that if I never took her away from her home she'd be happy and healthy right now.

I'll post some pictures later today in memory of my precious Elinette.
Oh, I am sorry. I hope you will keep going. I think you are a great person to be caring for chickens.
Thank you all for the condolences. She was a sweet little chick.

Floyd is so skinny and weak this morning. I'm afraid he's next. I don't know what's wrong with my babies! I'm trying to find a vet but it's so hard. He's literally skin and bones.

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