Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

"I'm sorry ma'am, it looks like you have a prolapsed egg"
I thought everyone was exaggerating about everything that could go wrong with chickens. Mine were perfectly fine all last fall when I first got them to late this spring. Then I got a hen who had sour crop, has became an internal layer but doing great, another with bumblefoot that I can't find the stuff to take out of her foot so is being a pain to treat, scaly leg mites, chicken lice, etc.
I think the warm weather brings out all the creepy crawlies and bacteria and stuff. So I've decided now on to worm all new chickens with wazine, and everyone else with safeguard once a year at least, monthly sevin dust during warm months, and apple cider vinegar in their water. The hen that was eggbound laid huge xx large eggs everyday, so it doesn't suprise me she got eggbound. Everyone else lays big but not huge eggs, so hopefully I don't have to deal with that again.

I hope you don't either. What breed was she to lay such gigantic eggs? I too thought this whole time a chicken was going to be like a dog or a cat. They get sick, take them to a vet... but birds, I'd forgotten they don't like to show illness until it's too late and most of the time we have to treat them ourselves and become their personal little vet.

I have some sevin dust. How do you use it and what is it for? And you're so right about the warm weather. I was reading a lot on coccidia last night, which by the way has SEVEN different strains, and those little oocytes live EVERYWHERE. Chickens slowly build up an immunity by contact with other chicken's feces, dirt, all kinds of stuff. Luckily if a chicken starts showing symptoms you can put them on the stuff I'm using, Corid, and it'll really help them out. I still don't know exactly what killed my Elinette or what is still wrong with Floyd, if at all related, but I think that a mixture of lack of heat, parasites, and a strain of coccidia all hit them at once. Yet, I don't know why my Calissa seems to be immune to all this. She's a strong girl and I think those electrolytes I tossed in their water at one point was like chicken crack to her
. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that my boy is on the road to recovery.

She was a silver laced wyandotte. The top right egg was one of her smaller ones.
Sevin dust kills mice and lice. I usually get the kind in a shaker can, and wait until everyones asleep. I shake it on them and ruffle u[ their feathers to make sure it gets underneath. Then when the chickens are outside dust their coop with it. Repeat in a week.
Keep it up Floyd! Calissa is getting very pretty, it's so much fun seeing how much EE's change from babies to adults.
Oh my goodness that is one HUGE EGG. I've never seen one that big

Uncle Tommy, you're a hoot.
And Floyd is growing again
I bought some food grade DE just for giggles. How do I use it?
Calissa is still super hyper, but ever since her little episode outside with the twitching legs and being unable to stand, she has completely stopped drinking any water and her back feathers are puffed up. I've really jinxed myself talking about how she's so healthy
I've been forcing her to drink some vitamin water and for now she is still eating very little feed. I broke out the yogurt again and she's eating it like a champ but her crop hasn't been full since her twitching legs/jerking. Poor gal. I'm doing the best I can to keep her from getting as bad as Floyd did, or worse, poor little Elinette. I hope I'm just being paranoid
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Ugh, fezlet! just when you think you're almost out of the woods!! The yogurt worked like a charm for our most recent chickie. I mixed some water into it partially because we only had the thicker Greek yogurt but also to make sure it was getting enough fluids. Crossing my fingers for you.
Maybe try a little plain water. Maybe she is just protesting the yucky stuff. Or a little water with sugar. It would be interesting to see if she will drink it without the medicine in it.
Hope she gets back to normal soon and your life with chickens gets less stressful and more fun again.
Thanks for all the tips. I swear you people are a godsend. I couldn't do it without you guys.

So I've been using A LOT of chick feed lately. Like over 5 pounds in less than a week... well... I was wondering where it was going and at the bottom of their tub is about an inch of the small parts of feed! Floyd AND Calissa have been picking out all the really big pieces and leaving the smaller stuff because they don't want it. I went out and bought one of the mason jar feeders and filled it up but he's still digging it out with his beak! It's like a game to him now! Is there any kind of bigger chunk feed that is still technically chick feed? Have y'all ever had to deal with something like this?
Do you use crumbles or mash? Mine stayed on grower then grower/finisher crumbles until they were 16 weeks, then I started switching them to layer pellets.

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