Rescued Duckling... newbie

Ohkay, i know its been ages. My place is slowly looking normal since i have nothing else to do as i was replaced and terminated from my job. I have a new idea in place for their area, honestly thinking about just turning over the livingroom, and turning my bedroom into a 'livingroom'. And now that ive actually put that thought into words, it really doesnt seem all that bad of an idea. Anyhow, i have a "im trying not to freak out" moment. I read that green poop could be a sign of dehydration, so i chopped/minced up some thawed out melon balls and put down two huge bowls of water, the biggest with some apple cider vinegar in it. Fancy has been kinda picking on speedy if she is in water bowl when he is. I usually shrug off the green as being from the food dye on this hay made slipper i bought for fancy forever ago and they eat at it. But they havent been able to get to it for a few days now...


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I've seen that poop before here so probably nothing to worry about as long as they always have water to drink.

You would really turn your living room over to your ducks? that is so sweet. Be sure to post pics.

Sorry about your job that is a bummer.
I will soon. Its almost done finally. Fancy has been really picking on speedy lately, won't let her eat or drink. If i give her a seperate bowl, he waits until i leave the room and chases her out of it to eat/drink hers too.
I just came across this post and haven't gotten through the whole thing yet. I know it's a few months old at this point and hopefully your dog is getting along with your duck by now. But I just wanted to say, the growling over food is completely normal. And is good actually. That is the dogs warning, saying to back off. It is the only way they have to communicate. Never punish something like that. Its when they don't give warning and go right to snapping or biting that you have an issue. Also keep an eye on them. I had a gosling many years ago, and also had a dog that was a big scaredy cat too. One time I had my bad turned for just a second, the gosling was right next to me and my dogs were eating. I turned to see how everyone was doing and the gosling was next to my dog, on the ground. He died a few seconds later. It was only a snap, he had no marks on him. Vegas (my dog) didn't mean to kill him, it was my fault. He was never aggressive with the gosling, but did always keep his distance. I'm sure you have things worked out by now. Just a warning to anyone that may find themselves in a similar situation.
A drake and a duck, Fancy is a drake and speedy is female... lol they switched on me! I just always thought the opposite because speedy was always aggressively protective and fancy was rather timid. Now, fancy has become the agressor and speedy, my brave little guard duck, shakes like a leaf sometimes :(
I am surprised Fancy is being so mean to Speedy. My drake can be a little hateful too sometimes but I've never seen him keep his girls out of their food or water. He will chase them down and stand on them at times. lol and the other morning he was standing inside their house and wouldn't let Ruth Ann come out, she was actually my old drakes girls he passed away almost 2 yrs ago so she has been integrated into Opies girls but he isn't as fond of her as his other 3. Try adding another food and water station and see if that helps. He is coming of age too so it could be hormones. Do they ever get to go outside? Maybe boredom is also playing a role get them outside some and let them do ducky things forage looking for bugs. If you can keep them safe.
Yes, cause i don't want her hurt... but i dont know if i can handle 3. I've been keeping watch. I give her food he gets jelly and tries to take it. I think he's trying to assert dominance but im kinda dominant. He only does it sometimes being grouchy. Course we have a rat issue that I'm dealing with so none of us are sleeping well

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