Rescued Dumped Rooster! šŸ“


Apr 17, 2020
hi all,
i was informed of 3 loose roosters dumped at my local park. very upsetting, yes, but nothing i canā€™t fix. anyway, i drove down to the park and met up with a friend of my momā€™s that was also looking for the boys. i brought my girl biscuit with me so heā€™d feel safer with us there. we were looking high and low and i spotted him under an oleander bush. he was a very young (maybe 6 months) golden laced polish rooster, and he was definitely afraid of us. it took lots of enticing, my calves (i was squatting the whole time... ouch) and an hour to get him close enough for me to grab. biscuit was eating some grain and he walked up to her to eat with her, and she blocked his view of me, so i pounced on him. i got them both swaddled up and into my car, and now heā€™s in a run separate from my girls. heā€™s very skittish, i would expect that out of a polish that was dumped. my momā€™s friend caught another one, but there one chicken left that we have to find thatā€™s described as a small, tan feather legged rooster (could be a buff bantam cochin, not sure til i see it). anyhow the polishā€™s name is Oscar, and heā€™s staying here for just a little bit with some food, water, sunshine, shade, and grass. roosters may not be allowed here but plenty of people have them no problem, itā€™s just that my mom doesnā€™t want him.
weā€™re going to try and find him a home and until then, heā€™s just going to chill with us. heā€™s not very tame but you have to give him credit, he was alone (the other two stayed together) for half a week, and we got lotsa predators over here.
thank you for reading!
*gasp* heā€™s gorgeous! Why would anyone just leave him there? If I could take another rooster, Iā€™d snatch him up in an instant.
right? what iā€™m thinking is that someone had bought straight run chicks during the whole height of the chicken-buying caused by the pandemic, because hes around the age of our girls that we bought as chicks in april. well, straight run chicks turned into roos, and they went and dumped him and his buds into our nature park to be eaten by raccoons. 2/3 are safe so far, and iā€™m heading out again this evening to check for the last one!
right? what iā€™m thinking is that someone had bought straight run chicks during the whole height of the chicken-buying caused by the pandemic, because hes around the age of our girls that we bought as chicks in april. well, straight run chicks turned into roos, and they went and dumped him and his buds into our nature park to be eaten by raccoons. 2/3 are safe so far, and iā€™m heading out again this evening to check for the last one!
Good luck! Maybe you can bring Oscar back with you in a dog kennel or something to get roo #3 to come out. Let us know how it goes!
right? what iā€™m thinking is that someone had bought straight run chicks during the whole height of the chicken-buying caused by the pandemic, because hes around the age of our girls that we bought as chicks in april. well, straight run chicks turned into roos, and they went and dumped him and his buds into our nature park to be eaten by raccoons. 2/3 are safe so far, and iā€™m heading out again this evening to check for the last one!
Or, some irresponsible but well intended person left them in the park hoping kind souls would come to the rescue. šŸ˜‡

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