Reusing a Chicken Name?

Leg deformity. It'll be a house chicken (for now) with my partially blind Polish named Myrtle.

Hoping to get them outside in a "special needs" coop at some point, but neither is ready for outdoors yet.

Thistle Jr it is!
I hope you will post how Thistle Jr (TJ) is doing as she grows. I am caring for a special needs chick - now 8 weeks old and am sort of making it up as I go along.
Here is where I posted for help on Bernadette's situation. She is doing well and my early intervention seems to have fixed her left leg - but her right is now more-or-less useless. She is still young so I am hoping I can still help her improve it. She is feisty with a strong will to live and engages in all sorts of nonsense even though she is effectively one-legged!
So anyway, I am keen to learn from others experience of chickens living with a bad leg.
My favorite names that I have re-used, or plan on re-using...

Comfort- I got that from a you tube show where they were trying to sell a big man a second seat on an airplane. "For your ...comfort."

Splendor- I got that from a comedian who said, "I left home because my parents were mean to me and I had to do chores. Then when I came home from college and working 2 jobs, I saw my younger brother at home on the couch living in splendor."
I had 2 BLRW with that name, not at the same time. I spoil my chicks so Splendor was a good name.
I LOVE those names!

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