Ribh's D'Coopage

I don't think so. I think that was two males having a territory dispute.
I see pigeons here do this in and out of the trees at the allotment. They make quite a racket!
Yes I think so too, I have seen Robins here doing that sort of behaviour! Quite violent for small birds!

Amazing footage šŸ™‚ and beautiful birds.
She likes to get up on things up to three feet high, but Iā€™ve not seen her go higher than that.
My wee frizzle silkie Curly loves to roost on the top roost, it 4' high, and since she is one of the top dogs she gets her pick of roost spots.

She hops / flaps up through the various levels of roosts to get there. I have tried to stop her from roosting there and in fact have placed her in the nest box with her sister but she insists on getting back up there.

Now I just let her stay there but in the morning I quickly help her down. I am going to lower the roost to 3' tho just in case she gets jostled off at night / morning and injured. She can hop flap up really well but can't fly worth (you know what), to get down!

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