Ribh's D'Coopage

Late, late, for a very important date...
A few pics from our house sitting.
The schnauzer, Emmy~Lou.


Beans & parsley flourishing. The cage is protecting my lettuce from the girls. 🤣

The excess will go to church tomorrow. The eggs are a bonus given the shops shelves are emptying fast.​

The strawberries are flowering which bodes well so long as the chooks don't find them...​

And Ripley, the maltese X. I've got Kirby & the chooks tolerating the dogs but Marlow is far more territorial & is having none of it. The dogs are terrified of him!​
In mid winter? wow. It is strawberry season here now!
This is a strawberry growing district. Our season generally starts about August & goes through September/October before it gets waaaay too hot. It will be weeks yet before I see any fruit & that is very dependent on me keeping the chooks away.

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