Ribh's D'Coopage

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So I was drinking my coffee & watching the sun rise before heading out to the girls when the skies suddenly opened & the rain thundered down. Merry~go~rounds & see~saws. At present it's cooler ~ but the ground is treacherously wet. Wet ground makes moving plants easier but handling timber harder. Maybe I should just go back to bed & start again...
I love working with ply. A couple of screws & a whole wall goes in! You can see where my coop wall ends & the floor will go in. My storage bins will go under that.

At the moment it looks huge & cumbersome but our side will have 2 windows & as I said to the man, once the garden bed goes in the vertical line will be broken ~ twice: once by the bed itself & once by the plants & it won't look anywhere near the monstrosity it presently does.
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We have piqued the neighbours curiosity; 2 yesterday, one today, all bearing gifts: avocados, blueberry muffins, the offer of fencing...In our defense we do share our eggs but I think it is very funny. Everyone is curious yet I am old enough to remember when every backyard had it's own veggie patch & a chook run under a couple of citrus trees. Now we are a curiosity! :D
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I love the sense of community, or at least curiosity ;), you’re inspiring with your build. Eggs help to soothe all sorts of neighbor things, and muffins!!! Muffins... you’ve got some great neighbors there, even if they do limit your active chainsaw permitted hours!:lol:
I love the sense of community, or at least curiosity ;), you’re inspiring with your build. Eggs help to soothe all sorts of neighbor things, and muffins!!! Muffins... you’ve got some great neighbors there, even if they do limit your active chainsaw permitted hours!:lol:
lol It is a worry. I got just one egg today. Not even enough for our own dinner. :( We had to make do with mini pizzas & salad ~ Oh, & muffins, which were very good!
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We got the gables up on the coop this afternoon so we are making progress.
One reason for this massive rebuild ~ besides the fact I want more chickens & our present coop just isn't big enough ~ is the girls have been steadily excavating our hill & the soil is sliding steadily downhill. The man is not happy. Me thinks he exaggerates slightly. So I decided to haul all the soil they've been steadily pushing down hill on the northern boundary back up & dump it in the garden bed. I expected a couple of buckets loads. I filled the bed. *sigh* I hate it when he's right. This is Soda. She's my worst offender.
She's so cute! And she's making a contrite face. I've forgiven her for the soil thing.
My BRs are terribly sweet, but stubborn! Soda was just a bit younger than my other hens & my last layer. She's been playing catch~up ever since, like any youngest sibling, & has youngest child issues. At present she is insisting on keeping Hepzibah, who has gone broody again, company in the nesting box. Hepzibah is laying. Soda is not. Go figure!

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