rip clairee

I didn't have words yesterday.. I still don't. But thank you clairee. Thank you for your egg production, thank you for making me laugh every day. I let your sisters out of their coop this morning, and I didn't even have to hide my shoe laces from you </3. For the first time in a year in a half, I counted 6, not 7. When I get home from school, you won't be there to crawl into my lap and demand snuggles. I won't collect your pearly white egg. I won't hear your egg song that was always WAY out of tune.. I miss you.
She was gorgeous.❤️ Clairee will always be remembered and loved. You did the best you could for her by giving her her best possible life. I’m sure she loved you with all her heart. Some just leave sooner than others from all kinds of things. It is sad but sometimes all you can do is just love your babies, give them their best lives and cherish the time you have with them. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs
the girls have been locked up all week, not allowed to free range. When would it be ok to let them back out ? I was afraid of the coons coming back if they knew the had access to the chickens. How long should I wait?

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