Ripped Skin

Ouch! That looks like it hurts! I bet she is glad to have someone caring for her! :eek::highfive:

But yes, it's so huge :hit And if that flap of skin was hanging, it's even more huge! I bite my lip thinking of her pain, and how she will fair. She is acting like she is just fine. I hope so badly she makes it. <3

So sorry to hear about your hen.
Well I can tell you one thing.My hen got attacked by a dog once, Had a chunk of skin, about, um, the size of a ten or twelve year olds fist, Maybe little smaller, taking right out of her poor behind.That was FOUR years ago.And guess what?She is still here with us now, a ripe old age of 8 years old, top of the pecking order and still laying.I do have to say she did become a little smaller after that tough.

I think your girl will be ABSOLUTLY fine!Keep it clean, away from any bugs or flys Aswell..

Best of Luck,

So sorry to hear about your hen.
Well I can tell you one thing.My hen got attacked by a dog once, Had a chunk of skin, about, um, the size of a ten or twelve year olds fist, Maybe little smaller, taking right out of her poor behind.That was FOUR years ago.And guess what?She is still here with us now, a ripe old age of 8 years old, top of the pecking order and still laying.I do have to say she did become a little smaller after that tough.

I think your girl will be ABSOLUTLY fine!Keep it clean, away from any bugs or flys Aswell..

Best of Luck,
That is such an encouraging experience :) I'm becoming more positive because of this site. Thank you so much!!
Sorry for bumping an inactive thread, but I found out this evening that one of my turkey hens (my favorite one, no less) has a similar wound. (Without the loose skin, though.) Going to try the Vetirycin spray on it and hope for the best.

How is your hen doing now?
Sorry for bumping an inactive thread, but I found out this evening that one of my turkey hens (my favorite one, no less) has a similar wound. (Without the loose skin, though.) Going to try the Vetirycin spray on it and hope for the best.

How is your hen doing now?

I've been meaning to post an update w/a pic but each day flies by. I'll do it tomorrow.

I'm sorry to hear about your turkey hen. Is it from a male turkey? I never did pick up the Vetircyn but just kept using the blue stuff from the vet. It's Chlorhexidine, and I have found that you can buy it on Amazon in various forms and bottle sizes. I saw some pads in a jar that look convenient. I believe what I have is the 2% antiseptic and the vet told me to dilute it with water. I asked for the ratio, but she didn't know, just said to pour the deep blue solution into the water until it's a pale light blue. I do feel it has helped keep any infection at bay. I stopped giving her the clavamox after 5 days. It was 250 mgs twice a day. Keeping the wound clean was def helping her along the most.

Sweet Pea is doing ok. She rather acts like nothing is wrong. It's all coming along, just like you said! :)

The one initial stitch came out so I did another stitch on the other side, just to keep this flap from falling. The other side kinda 'grabbed' on with a scab, so that was good. The top part of the cut is healing very nicely. It has a nice seal onto the 'meat' which, just like you said, looks like it's 'making new skin'. The surface of the exposed meat is changing. The difficult part is the lower portion with the flap. The flap doesn't look dead, it's growing feathers, so I'm not sure how it's going to all come together, will have to just wait and see.

One day last week she took a dust bath and got ALOT of dirt inside the flap so I thought I'd just wash it out completely. What I didn't realize is that the solution was seeping into her leg like a balloon. So I had to grab her by the foot and push up to get all the water out and then stuff cotton balls in with Qtips to dry it out completely. What a mess. She handled it like a champ. It rather loosened up what was healing down there. Now we're keeping her in a tractor in the grass during the day so she doesn't get dirt in there again.
Bothers me that it's so open between skin/meat.

But she is coming right along, just like you said, and she is acting fine. All good signs and I hope the same for your favorite little turkey hen. :)
Sorry for bumping an inactive thread, but I found out this evening that one of my turkey hens (my favorite one, no less) has a similar wound. (Without the loose skin, though.) Going to try the Vetirycin spray on it and hope for the best.

How is your hen doing now?

I'm sorry I think I had you confused with another user. But thats OK. I basically followed the advice from others and kept the wound clean using the Chlorhexidine from the vet, but it is also available on Amazon, or any vet/farm supply site, too. Dilute w/water and I put it on a paper towel and just pat the area well enough, and that's about it. Took about a week before I started seeing signs of the skin sealing off and the scab developing. The people on this thread really helped me to not worry so much, and they were right!
This is why I ordered sutures to add to my chicken first aid. Thankfully my son-in-law can suture this kind of wound. We had a young cockerel get a big piece of his neck pecked opened and had to use regular needle and thread. Fortunately he is doing fine, but all I could think was no way this chick can survive with this big hole. And luckily we got to him right after it happened.

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