RIR rose-comb Heritage Rooster- AVL, NC


In the Brooder
6 Years
Hi Neighbors! I'm hoping to find a new happy home for Gordy, (or affectionately, Gordo) is a docile, gentle giant of a Rhode Island Red Rose Comb Rooster. We've switched breeds, going with smaller hens who can fly after losing all of Gordy's flock over the past few months to a still mysterious predator. They've been free ranging and closed up at night. He's used to the wide open spaces, but can adjust if you have a chicken run instead. He's almost a pet, eats from my hand and I can pet him for an instant when our paths cross. We have intended to make pet food from the roosters that our hens will inevitably hatch out, but not quite ready to do this process with our gentle Gordy. He's a heritage full-blooded RIR from a reputable breeder I know in SC. Need a place for him asap!!

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