Rockporter's Take II Emu Hatch

We have an external pip! Egg C has broken through!
Poor guy must be a little heartbroken over A as well :( now you’ll each have two

If anything, let Fizzgig be solid white :fl ok wait, just let it hatch. I’ll be keeping them inside for a bit. Month or two at least. Will most likely use the giant dog crate and get the kids to cuddle with them at night.

Have you put any thought into diapers? Or are you blessed with hardwood/laminate floors?

Trip starts at 6am Saturday morning. Looking forward to getting back with 4 dinosaur eggs to put in with the loner
Weighed the eggs today. They are all losing equally, but too much. I am adding humidity. The clip broke that regulates water flow into the water pan. I’m now trying to figure out how to regulate it. :he

Egg A- lost 14g
Egg B- lost 11g
Egg C- lost 12g
Egg D- lost 12g
Well hello! We’ve been busy too, but most of it has been a bad busy, so confined to a bed at the moment :p Pneumonia and the car accident.

Had originally put 7 eggs in, but the last chance for a white or blonde started to stink. Such a bummer.

Like you, I’m not going off of anything but a true wiggle. These 6 are a week behind yours I believe. There are two with very poor weight loss or have lost too much. Made a couple modifications to see if it will help with their next weigh in. We shall see!

Glad you have no stinkers.

Ugh!! I’m so sorry. I hope you’re back on your feet very soon!

Because of all your stinky eggs, I am a total sniffer the entire time we are near them lol. For sanity’s sake, the bf took over weighing and caring for the eggs this time. He has the incubator humidity set to 35%. He’s got the auto humidity adjusted so that it stays right on target. At first, weight loss was too fast, but it’s better since adding the humidity.

We could see movement this week... keep your fingers crossed!! Yours next week, right?
'If they wiggle just a little babies are trying to get out.'

So, we get a test subject, a nesting male. Captive or tame-wild. And we introduce a hi-tech 'egg' in under him. Infra-red camera?* Wiggle-ometer? Audio? Other data?

The amount of data that exists on this subject is: none.

It would be most fun with a wild bird, sitting stoically in pouring rain and howling wind in late winter.


*Note: I'm a neo-luddite, so we wouldn't ever actually do this. But it is fun to think about.
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Yep, right around day 37. If you have a room without a lot of shadows, I highly recommend it for wiggle testing.. to save your sanity. It is crazy making trying to see slight movements in our basement. I am so looking forward to you making it to wiggle week! :fl I just know you’ll have at least a few movers this time.

Are you on the mend? I’m on day 10 (!:rant) of a chest cold. I have lost my voice, which no one seems to be complaining about lol.

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