Roo terrorizing hen!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 1, 2009
We have 1 RIR Roo, and 5 hens( 1 RIR,2 Buff orps,and 2 leghorns),, For the past 2 days, my roo has terrorized my RIR hen. They are all 11 weeks old and grew up together. She just hides in the coop because he chases her all over the place. Is he trying to mate? He hasn't even crowed yet. Advice needed!
He's probably developing his hormones and working up to mating. Isolate him for a few days then see if returning him to the flock helps. It may not. Things could settle down when she also decides that it is time to mate.

Or, leave it alone and let them do their chicken thing -- unless he draws blood, then he has to be separated.

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