Room mate issues...again.

I have to share my bad room mate experience. First I was in my very early 20's, my roommate was a woman I have known since I was 12 -- a good friend of one of my sisters. Jenn is a nice enough person and we got along pretty well, though there were some house cleaning issues which we worked out. Sounds great huh? Well, NO. She had a Dalmation/Lab mix female dog whom she never bothered to spay.

You can see where this is going right? Oh, and I forgot to tell you. We lived in a very nice upstairs apartment with three bedrooms. So one night she took her dog to work with her (she did nights taking care of an elderly woman) and her dog got bred that night with some huge hairy Collie/GSD looking dog. Huge dog.

So room mate doesn't tell me until about three weeks later when her dog was getting visibly larger and pregnant. She calls me at work to tell me what happened and I told her that Susie (her dog) needed to find a place to stay while she had her puppies. My room mate told me she was already working on it. Fast forward about five and half weeks later. Room mate calls me and tells me she found someone to take Susie, but the bad news was she had her puppies that morning, at our house and she had a whopping 10 of them.

So we have this increasingly heated argument over the phone with me insisting she moves them (no way the apt. managers were going to allow 12 dogs in one appt -- I had one dog at the time too, and then roomie now had 11!!!). The conversation abruptly ended with some nasty words flying. It was really bad.

Long story short she never moved the puppies. Susie was locked in the 3rd bedroom with all 10 of her gigantic mutt puppies. My apartment smelled horrible. The carpet was ruined within two weeks. I stopped living there because of the smell. Those pups lived in that one bedroom until they were 10 weeks old. I broke my lease and moved out. After we moved out I was slapped with $1800 in damages to replace the carpeting and portions of chewed drywall and wood trim. My roomie eventually paid for it all but it took us a long time to be friends again.

I feel for you in your situations and hope you can just deal with it the best you can and get outta there!
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Sorry to hear what your are going through. It will soon be over. I understand your pain. I had bad room mates 2 times while in college. After that I lived alone until I graduated. I don't do well with room mates.

Good luck.
Squishy, Those are some good ideas! I ended up putting a single roll of toilet paper out because RM2 put out some paper towels. I go in the bathroom and there is $0.36 on the toilet. Dunno what that is supposed to mean, but I know she's just doing it to be a witch. My shower stuff is still in the bathroom, but I might take it out along with my toothbrush. I don't think RM1 and 2 are emotionally stable. Luckily I have a very good lock on my door so there are no worries there. I always lock my door because I didn't trust RM1 when I moved in. She does drugs and she's very sneaky. Not a good mix when I often leave money and stuff in my room!

Jamie, that story sounds terrible! I'm glad we are not allowed pets here at my school (Granted, I do have a gecko, but no one even knows he's there) It would be absolutely terrible to live with someone who doesn't clean their animals!

Feel free to keep bad room mate stories coming! It makes me laugh a little about my situation. Plus, the week after next is Thanksgiving and I will have a nice long weekend at home! I can't wait!
When I went to college I shared at first,but later I paid extra or took a loan to have a single dorm room.It was sweet even if I did have to share the bathroom/shower.Living with others rarely works out even when the people are friends.With the need to focus on school and work I recommend living alone.It is really the best option.

Sharing the bathroom/shower I had a caddy with my soaps and stuff.You could get a dorm fridge for the room,but then that might cause *bill* wars.
I had another room mate that I had known since we were in 2nd grade. I moved in with her and her husband, I rented their finished basement. Things got really weird when she confessed that she had...ummm..."feelings" for me. Her confession included a lot of other weird things and it was just totally awkward after that. She had been my very best friend. She became very obsessive and jealous of me, and ANY interaction I had with her husband or other friends (female or male) and would always pick a fight with me when I was dating someone. It got to be too much and after a party one night she and I got into a huge fight and she kicked me out of her house. The next day she and her husband asked me not to leave but I packed everything and was out of there in less than two days.

We tried really hard to patch our friendship back, but we were never able to quite talk things out in a way that both of us felt we were being heard. I guess we just had nothing in common any more too, that was one of the biggiest issues. I learned not to move in with friends after my two situations. I got married a few years later though, and that is working out fine LOL

3 more weeks ...

Stories like this make me glad that I commuted to college rather than lived on campus ...

BTW, my brother's roommate won a snake (albino python or something like it) in a poker game. My brother was NOT happy. 1. He's afraid of snakes, 2. Keeping a snake meant also keeping mice and rats and roommate wasn't very diligent about taking care of them. They had a habit of escaping. They were NOT popular with other tenants and the landlord for some reason
I would put a call in to the authorities on your way out the door with the exact location of roommate #1's room. Maybe even let them know a good "time" to stop by is.
pips&peeps :

I would put a call in to the authorities on your way out the door with the exact location of roommate #1's room. Maybe even let them know a good "time" to stop by is.


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