Room mate issues...again.

I am probably just being cranky but i would make those 3 weeks the worst dang 3 weeks in their lives. Payback ends with a pair of hockey sticks and they would be begging to make peace with me before the week is out. Don't let them make you a prisoner. Its time to kick but, take names, and burn some bridges. You have just 3 weeks. that is alot of venting to do in just 3 weeks. I would get busy now. I would be microwaving some fish as we type.

I had to replace a microwave because my toddler son loved his fish sticks so much and I could not stand that microwave anymore.

This also might be a good item to detail the toilet....with some one else's tooth brush (okay just thinking about doing is fun)
When you escape, leave one sheet on the roll with this on it (This is all you get!!!) in permanent marker:D That is what one of my cousins left her soon to be ex when he screwed around on her in her bed. She burnt the bed in the yard for all the neighbors to see.
You can also give the good roomy any extra paper goods you don't want to haul home.

Good luck you can do this......

pips&peeps :

I would put a call in to the authorities on your way out the door with the exact location of roommate #1's room. Maybe even let them know a good "time" to stop by is.

Only problem with that is... sigh... the cops tend not to want to be bothered if it is within a residence and personal. Think they even have to get a warrant? Not sure.

Moving on to tell my roommate story...

I got hired on to be a Flight Attendant when I was 20. They sent us out for 6 weeks training at their private motel/training facility in Mesa, Arizona. There were about 30 of us in the class, I believe.

Now.. the airline purchased this motel as-is while it was used as a business in the typical fashion... and thereafter they made few attempts at improvement, if any. The towels available were even the same towels

The whole place was pretty darn dinky... kind of motel you would expect to pay $30 for a night. The mattresses were even stained

Because of the number of rooms versus number of training courses being held at the much more professional training grounds (mostly pilots being re-certified, ect) the policy was 2 to a room.
The rooms had 2 twin beds... a small kitched, a bathroom, and a desk. About he sive of my present bedroom though. I was so freaked out at the state of the beds, I ran out and bought my own sheets, blankets, rug, everything... and while I was there I set myself up with my previously mentioned rule items... except for the fridge and microwave and trash can. I have a brand of chicken parmesan that comes frozen ("Michael Angelos') that is as good as a restaurant... so I stocked up on those considering the lack of pots and pans, ect.

Our roommates were chosen randomly... we were ordered to get along or go home. I was immediately not pleased with my roommate selected... though I tried to hide it. She was coincidentally one of the handful of ladies from the same hiring city as me... so we all took the same couple of fligts to get from Florida to Arizona.
When we were laid over in the Charlotte airport, she had to reclaim some of her bags... she had 4 HUGE suitcases Plus her carry-on suitcase and carry-on shoulder bag (we were ordered to only bring the last two) I suppose she paid extra for the bags since we were flying stand-by?
Well she couldn't find a dolly anywhere... so she marched up to us in the rest of the group and *demanded* we help her with her bags.
For some reason some of the girls helped her despite the rudeness... I was one of the ones that just raised my eyebrows at her, LOL.

So there we are in this room together.... she chose her bed without any kind of checking with me.. well I didn't care much that first time... not something that generally bothers me.
A few minutes being in the room with both of us quietly un-packing... though she made a comment or two about things "not being good enough for you?" with my rugs and sheets and ect... well I admit I was bothered by it all... and I happened to use one of my recently obtained wet-ones wipes to clean my hands before I moved on to my clothes.

Then I needed to throw it out... and I looked around for a trash can. There wasn't one near my bed by the window... but there was one on her end of the desk, almost in the kitchen, one in the kitchen, and one in the bathroom which the door of pretty much opened out onto her bed.
So I quietly went over and picked up the trashcan near the desk and put it near the door, closer to my bed.. and threw my handwipe away in it.

Roommate comes over... stomp stomp stomp .. picks up can and puts it back where it was. I said "Excuse me, If you don't mind, I'd like to have ONE trashcan convenient to me" .... she replied that it wasn't where it belonged. Blah blah blah... huge argument insued... and the girls in the room above came downstairs and through our open door to find out what all the yelling was about

Because of how intractable she was being.... which was a lot of yelling without listening while I yelled to get her attention and then tried talking calmly.... the girls decided to intercede and decreed that all trashcans stay where they are

Oh my goodness.... it was just a bloody trashcan! That was how we started things off.. 6 weeks (which turned into 9 weeks) to go...

In retrospect... I should have put my foot down THEN and gotten myself a silly trashcan even if I had to fight for it
Because, from all that I gleaned from the roommates behaviour in the weeks that insued.... she figured that the first incident was a "win" for her and that she was now in charge of *everything*.

Should I mention that she was very proud of, and bragged quite frequently of, her "accomplishments"... being featured as a dancer in an MTV rap video that is
She was VERY pretty, and I even told her so in a vain attempt to make nice enough to survive training... but there were plenty of us there who were pretty AND nice

Next night... our first official class, the orientation, was coming up in the morning. They had to van us all to the training facility downtown, and class started first thing... so the vans were coming for us at 5:30 am and we were strictly ordered to be waiting earlier than that for them.

I come in about 8pm from studying outside at the picnic tables with most of the class... and she is in the room watching tv and studying by herself. So I take my shower and get ready for bed. Having to be up at 4 am *ugh* will send you to bed that early... I needed at least an hour to get ready because we had to wear.. no kidding... starched, ironed white blouses with ironed navy blue skirts, pantyhose, high heels... make-up to which we had a whole sheet of rules on what make-up we HAD to wear and what we could not... so lipstick, foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, all of it "natural looking" LOL! And our hair had to be presentable.... something very hard for me.. was never good at doing my hair to what other people would consider OK.

So... there I am trying to sleep.. and the tv is on and loud.. and the lights between our beds and the kitchen were on and bright... and how was I supposed to sleep?
I asked her quite nicely to turn the tv down... which she wouldn't do.
So I waited... and waited... and when that didn't work.. I fussed at her and fussed at her and kept talking and babbling on ... I think I even resorted to telling stories about my dogs at home, LOL! until she finally turned the tv off. That was about 10 pm... and come midnight... all the lights were still on and too bright.
I tried coering my face and whatnot... it just wasn't working.. and I suppose I was pretty grumpy... so I might have gone a little overboard. I requested and then complained and then argued with her over the lights still being on... and when she snapped something nasty at me.. it turned my annoyance/anger into real anger... so I hopped out of bed really quick and unscrewed the lightbulbs from the two lamps beside our beds.. before she could untangle herself from her books and blankets and ipos and whatever... and threw them out the window.

In the light shining from the kitchen she screeched and threatened to hit me... and I laughed and went back to bed... but she went and got a lightbulb from the kitchen and screwed it into one of the bedside lamps... though I was finally able to get to sleep

So there are our first two days of 9 weeks of worsening diplomatic relations (how I was trying to see stuff). At orientation the next day, I took our main instructor/baby sitter aside and asked her very politely if it might be possible to switch roommates due to a very extreme and unusual (for me) personality conflict. The instructor got really huffy and informed me that there was a no tolerance policy on roommate disagreements.. and that if we couldn't get along with our fellow flight attendants, how on earth could we settle a disagreement in the air with a disgruntled passenger??
(I wanted to make a sassy reply about airport officers and disembarkation of the plane.. but refrained)

I decided that all the instructor really wanted of us was for us to act our age.... so from then on I endeavored to always take the high road... and I prayed for patience alot!
Fact.. I don't think I've ever been more patient with anyone in my life!

I always did all of my studying and pretty much my whole day, outside at the picnic and common areas, despite the awful dry desert heat that I despised. I left her the room to study in and watch tv in and babble on the phone all day. The only things I went in the room for, were to sleep (at an hour I knew she would be about to sleep herself) to take my showers... to change my clothes... and to do the actual microwave heating of my food... for which of course I had my paper plates and knives and cups

One day she complained about me not helping with the dishes... I pointed out to her my paper goods and the fact that I'd never touched a proper dish or pan in that kitchen.
One day she complained about me not emptying the trash.... I slightly violated my "high road" plan for a few mintues to explain to her that... Since she was unwilling to share the trashcans, I had taken to using a grocery bag beside my bed and took my meal trash outside with me when I hauled my food out to the picnic tables to eat it. Thus all of the garbage in the cans was hers and hers alone, and no I didn't feel any responsibilty for them just because I was a "resident" of the room. (Which is how she saw things)

That night I came back to a very large heap of nasty garbage on my bed. I suppose her mother did that to her at some point? However, the act kind of drove the wrong point home... since every item that I picked up off my bed and threw onto her bed was something SHE threw out.. completey her stuff sort of things. Then I had to wash my blanket.

Then there was the time I did something unusual for me, and hung my towel up in the bathroom instead of just taking it to wash with my laundry after usuing it.
The towel rod in the bathroom was fairly long... and the roommates towel was on it, but completely unfolded so it took up the whole thing. Without thinking much about it, I pushed her towel to the side a bit and put my folded towel on the remaining 1/3 of rod... seemed to look fine to me.
Came back later that day to find my towel thrown on the floor.

Every SINGLE day in class the instructor would start class off with a lecture on getting along with your roommates... and sometimes she seemed to be looking at me... which confused me for a while until some of my friends clued me in on the gossip that apparently, roommate was sending DAILY emails to the instructor and other staff complaining that I did this or that or said this or that, barely half of it true, or didn't help clean or blah blah blah. Pretty rediculous considering she had pretty much peed on the whole room as hers anyway! By the time the rumors got to me, I suppose the roommate didn't have much credit with the class anymore because the other rumor was that she was trying to "conspire" with one of the other girls and their plans were based on getting their roommates kicked out of training so they could have rooms all to themselves. Thats what it was all about... she wanted to have her own room? The whole thing and the gossip was pretty high-school-ish if you ask me... I was so glad I'd been homeschooled through highschool years after that.

She even got us both dragged into a "meeting" with the instructor and her BOSS.. the one who was responsible for our hiring. I had not voiced a word of complaint since the first day, after I grapsed it was a "put up with it or go home" situation.... but apparently this girl didn't know when to hush her complaining??!! She almost got us both a ticket home! It wouldn't have been just one of us, so the instructor said.
The bosses started the meeting off pretty much accusing me of doing everything wrong... at which point I gave them my apologies on the lightbulb evening, and explained that I had amended my behaviour when I realized how wrong that was.
I went into the meeting with my mouth closed unless I was asked a question. Didn't blabber... didn't interrupt... Meanwhile when the roommate realized the bosses were softening towards me, and even asked if I had anything to complain about (to which I answered "No thank you")... she opened her mouth up and would not shut it! She was going on and on about this and that.. while the bosses were trying to speak, she interupted them... until they were mad enough at her they told her to "CAN IT!" LOLOL!
Then they switched the tone of the interview over to her and informed her terslely that if she complained one more time before training was complete, or they heard any more gossip going around... she would be the sole one packing her bags and on a plane home an hour after... because they were an airline, and they could do that

Somehow, we made it to our graduation day.... but then there was a delay in the class being sent out to their relative airport stations, and we were all stuck there for 3 more weeks with nothing to do

One of the days in that first waiting week... I came back to the room really late at night to find the roommate had strung up a laundry line.... from hanging pot ceiling hook, to ceiling lamp, to something else..... all of it above my bed, and hung the line with her handwashed undergarments... really yucky ones
that apparetly got to drip dry right on my bed from a pretty wet state.
Did I complain???? NOOO!!!! Some of us aren't whiny-butts! - Rant over -

Ooops I forgot that we had to switch rooms at one point.. maitinence issue in our old one... and she again snatched the bed closest to the bathroom... only this time I WAS annoyed... because we had already established that she was a very very hot person, and liked the ac unit to be set at 50 dgrees. It might have helped her to be right next to the ac... but since she apparently wanted the bed furthest from the window ac unit, that meant she was dead set on blowing a strong 50 degree WIND right over top of me to cool herself.
So I turned it off... ALOT. We had wars of her tramping over my suitcases and up the narrow space between the wall/window and my bed to reach the buttons and turn it on every few minutes... and me just reching over and turning it back off
Wasn't very much work for me.. but it did make me have to get up and go PP pretty often
Then I settled it all by turning my suitcases and assorted items from inside it into obstacles between MY bed and wall... and rearranged them every night until she stopped coming over
(I had offered to compromise on the temp!)

I have purposely not included the razor story. Suffice it to say, it was my razor, a nice brand new one with the included stick-on-the-wall showercaddy... I made the mistake of sticking it on the shower wall and leaving it there... and after this particular big-foot-esque incident, I had to throw it away
OMG, Squishy! You poor thing! That makes my room mates seem like a piece of cake! How terrible that would have been! I don't even know how I would have handled that situation at all. I really, really hate confrontations!

Usually I just keep my mouth shut, but if you continually annoy me, I have no fear of being direct!

Yesterday I cleaned my room and started packing up some stuff to take home for Thanksgiving break. I also put all my bathroom stuff in my room. I feel a little more organized now. I've also been smiling and saying hi to the room mate that's ignoring me every time i see her. I think that annoys her more than anything else.


my girlfriends roomates are very similar.........But one of them talks on the darn phone to her boyfriend for HOURS on the wee horus of the night and i mean like 8 hours straight. insane i know. never heard of that kind of relationship but thats her. Yack yack yack yack then theres the other roomate......dont get me started HAAH
My nice room mate came back this morning and I went running to see her. What a relief to see a friendly face after a whole weekend of living with a bear!

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