Rooster bleeding out through beak

What I have is poultry nutri-drench. I also have molasses. Does anyone have any ideas about leaving him outside (around 68 F) or bringing him in (80F)
It would be best to bring him inside, in the a/c to see if his panting decreases or stays the same.
You can give him the Nutri Drench once a day for no more than 5 days. Dont give him molasses, the Nutri Drench contains molasses. Molasses will cause diarrhea, that's why you dont give him the Nutri Drench for no more than 5 days.
Let us know if you see blood.
Update: no more blood this morning. Bubba is sitting on the perch we put in the cage. He looks tired but alert. Not hunched over, no discharge, eyes are clear. His overnight poops were loose but normally colored. All the other chickens look fine and are out foraging. He doesn't want the Nutri Drench on his own, so I will try to give it to him by oral syringe unless that upsets him too much. I know to give it along the side of the beak.
Is he eating drinking anything? Mushy wet chicken feed would get more fluids into him, and may be easier to eat. Sometimes I hide medicines in scrambled egg if he would take something like that. Do you think that he could have gotten his beak caught and injured in fencing or chicken wire? I hope that he survives with all of the blood loss. Poor guy. Keep us updated on his status.
I'm glad to hear he's hanging in there.

I'd be sure to inspect him really well under his feathers for any punctures/injuries and of course inside the beak for injury as well.

His breathing is back to normal and no gurgling?
He gurgled a little after we syringed him some water with poultry drench. We were very careful and went slowly, drop by drop, into the side of his beak. About an hour later I caught him drinking out of the dish of water in his cage. When he gurgled after we gave him water it made me wonder if his lungs are filling up or if he has an injury to his throat. Either way, I’m proud of him and hoping he pulls through. If I can catch the other rooster and cage him, I may just put Bubba outside tomorrow and let him manage by himself. Not because I don’t want to help him, but because I suspect he would be happier. All our hens like him. Any thoughts you have about this are welcome.

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