Rooster fight, need help.


6 Years
Mar 25, 2018
Friday i came home to find 3 bloody roosters. Finally got rid of 2 unwanted roo's. Yesterday morn the Indonesian roo couldnt open his eyes but later got 1 open and seemed to be doing fine. Today so far, he cant open either one. Still crows up a storm, more so than with the other 2 roo's around. What can i do? Tomorrow i leave for work & not sure how many days i'll be gone.
I've had to deal with quite a few bloody roosters over the years. I would take a damp washcloth and gently wipe off his face. Wipe from front to back over his eyes. It's probably dried blood keeping his eyes closed. And they may hurt, causing him to close them for comfort. Other than that, just give him time to recover. ;)
I've had to deal with quite a few bloody roosters over the years. I would take a damp washcloth and gently wipe off his face. Wipe from front to back over his eyes. It's probably dried blood keeping his eyes closed. And they may hurt, causing him to close them for comfort. Other than that, just give him time to recover. ;)
I'm worried he wont open them while i'm gone & not eat or drink & waste away.
Friday i came home to find 3 bloody roosters. Finally got rid of 2 unwanted roo's. Yesterday morn the Indonesian roo couldnt open his eyes but later got 1 open and seemed to be doing fine. Today so far, he cant open either one. Still crows up a storm, more so than with the other 2 roo's around. What can i do? Tomorrow i leave for work & not sure how many days i'll be gone.
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I returned home yesterday to 2 out 3 bloody boys also. :barnie

The swollen eyes will very likely subside on their own just as they do for boxers and the like. I would think as long as he can make it to food and water then he should be fine...

Personally I might butcher him too. :drool

But since you don't describe him as unwanted... I would pay attention if he is eating and drinking or not. You can either let him be or provide some support with electrolytes, vitamins, and probiotics. Maybe provide some nutritious snack like scrambled eggs. Assuming he can still avoid predation..

Has he mingled back into the rest of your flock yet?

For my previous boys... it was swelling of black eyes that kept them mostly closed and not dried on blood. I personally won't tend minor wounds, seems to me like them bleeding out helps push nasty stuff out of the wound... but I learn something new ALL the time.

Hope he recovers quickly! :fl

Are they staying free range while you are gone?
It may help when you wipe his eyes. He may be able to open them enough to find the food and water. If he hasn't drank since the fight he will be really thirsty right now and you may be able to force his head in the water enough to drink. Who cares for your chickens when you are gone? Can you enlist a little help there?
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I returned home yesterday to 2 out 3 bloody boys also. :barnie

The swollen eyes will very likely subside on their own just as they do for boxers and the like. I would think as long as he can make it to food and water then he should be fine...

Personally I might butcher him too. :drool

But since you don't describe him as unwanted... I would pay attention if he is eating and drinking or not. You can either let him be or provide some support with electrolytes, vitamins, and probiotics. Maybe provide some nutritious snack like scrambled eggs. Assuming he can still avoid predation..

Has he mingled back into the rest of your flock yet?

For my previous boys... it was swelling of black eyes that kept them mostly closed and not dried on blood. I personally won't tend minor wounds, seems to me like them bleeding out helps push nasty stuff out of the wound... but I learn something new ALL the time.

Hope he recovers quickly! :fl

Are they staying free range while you are gone?
He's always with the flock. Its still a little cold here so they only go out for a little while at a time. They always get vitamins & electrolites in their water. I'll check on him frequently today then i leave early in the morn.
They always get vitamins & electrolites
Really nothing should be supplemented for more than 10 days in a row.
If he hasn't drank since the fight he will be really thirsty right now and you may be able to force his head in the water enough to drink.
Yes, he won't starve to death... but dehydration can hinder ALL bodily functions and rapidly decline into peril.

Hydration is KEY... make sure he is drinking. It's good that he is with the flock.
Update, Blackie finally got down off the roost, he's wandering around the coop with both eyes partially open. Trying to eat & drink too! I guess thats a good sign.

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