Rooster having fit (?seizure?)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 23, 2011
I have a barred rock rooster that has exhibited an unusual behavior and I've only seen it when he's been around the 'ladies'... And no, I'm not talking about that...

I have uploaded a 5 second clip to YouTube so you can take a look and tell me if this is something I should be concerned about. He exhibits no other unusual behavior. Odd things is, I have a bantam Silkie Cross roo that is a month or so younger than Henry and he's had this type of 'episode' a couple of times too. With Henry, though, it usually happens at least once anytime I'm out there with them long enough.

It's the 'wing dance' part of the courtship behavior. If he does it to you, it may be an invitation to fight.
Ok, it seems the overwhelming vote is that this is normal, but ol' Henry looks like he's having a stroke! I was pretty sure it had to be some kind of semi-normal activity, but I don't ever remember seeing it in chickens when I was young. I guess I was too busy playing to pay attention.

I wanted to think he was fine, but he will sometimes go into 3 or 4 left-right turns around the 'girls' doing this and he looks like he's either a dweeb or has brain damage!

I guess men doing crazy things to attract women's attention isn't limited to humans. I just wonder if the hens think Henry's as crazy as most women think men are...

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