Rooster Infertility !! What can cause this ??.


Real Men can Cook
11 Years
May 13, 2008
I would like to hear your thoughts on this. I am well aware of things like age and diet, but what about Illnesses, drug interaction, habitat, things like that. I would even entertain an Ole wifes tale or two.

And if so is there a cure or comeback for it, perhaps a concoction to inprove infertility ??.

I can't say that I have ever read anything about this subject ever. The closest thing is poor contact with certain breeds and the treatment being trimming the vent areas for the season.
Honestly when I read this, I started thinking of all the reasons men might be sterile and asked myself, why just men? Certainly all animals have related problems. I guess I just would obtain my chicks and raise them a while and when they were old enough I would have a beauty contest with all of my roosters and slaughter the non-winners and I somehow would get a fertile rooster, but now that I think about it, why would I have a fertile rooster? I don't know.
So can we know more about the problem? Do you feel you are experiencing a problem with this with a rooster? Is it possible to replace him? I know there is medication for humans to feel more romantic, but animals......Perhaps someone knows about herbal remedies.
This particular rooster is only 2yrs old, he is with only 2 hens, vent has been trimmed and is in otherwise very good health. I see no sign nor have I ever whitnessed the hen's being covered, I was able to AI this Rooster but the sample was clear.

He is extremely valuable not only in $$ terms but to my breeding program, and he would be very difficult to find a replacement, it took me 2 yrs to find him. I have tried to incubate and all eggs were clear on day 10 & 14 & 18.

That really stinks.
Okay this is just me brainstorming.......maybe you can go back to your source and explain the problem, keep the roo, but 'borrow' another one for just one season. Perhaps his sire is still in existance and would be almost ready to replace. I really can't think of a single thing. I mean I use natural herbs, but fertility......and all I ever used locally was elder. And I can't imagine someone going through so much trouble to get a certain special rooster and then not giving it the best of everything.
Can you add another hen just to cancel out the offset that it could be the hens? Or can you try a different roo all together with the hens to see if something could be wrong with the 2 hens in question? You are probably right though.
Ok, I've got to does THAT work? Also, I'm curious what breed of rooster this is? I guess I'm thinking like you, that any of the same things that can cause a human male to be sterile could cause sterility in a rooster as well. Assuming diet and age are not causes, my guess would be some kind of illness. Have you had him since a chick or acquire him as an adult? (In other words, do you know his full history?)

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