To both of you, you are getting some very aggressive signs. These cockerels are not respecting your space. Were they pets when younger? This often happens with new people to chickens. They are not like puppies, whereas if you are nice to them, they are nice to you. They tend to loose fear and respect of your space.

The thing is being raised together has no influence on chickens being life long friends. How roosters were acting last week, or even yesterday is no indicator how they will act now. This forum is filled of posts where the darling became the nightmare.

Most inexperienced people vastly underestimate how violent a rooster attack can be. IF you have children under the age of 6, a child can take the attack in the face. And they tend to attack children first. If either of you have children you need to dispatch or re home the rooster ASAP. Any attack can cause serious injury.

I do not think they will be come nice rooster, I think they will get more and more violent. That is what that behavior is indicating. Roosters have ruined the whole chicken experience for a lot of people.

Mrs K
No children involved. Rooster was never coddled, none of them were/ are. When he fluff up at me and growls, I in return fluff up and take a hard step towards him to let him know who’s boss. Was thinking that maybe his balls have dropped and the testosterone is flowing😂. I’ll give him a little bit more time and reevaluate. If continues, I will separate him from the rest for awhile and then reintroduce. I love all my chickens🥰. I appreciate your response, Ty.

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