rooster with a hurt neck


In the Brooder
10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Yakima, Washington
my rooster jumped down from his roost today but must have landed wrong. ever since then he's been hanging his head low in obvious pain, and can't hold his head up for very long. i've felt along his neck and wing areas, but nothing seems to be out of place. could he have sprained his neck muscles somehow? we have no chicken vet in my area(they have NO clue how to help chickens at all). this is the first time i've ever had this happen to one of my chickens, and i don't know if once a chicken experiences a neck injury, if it's permanent and they have to be put down.

also, any advice on any kind of pain relievers would be a welcome!
well, they are living creatures with a skeletal and muscular system just like us, so yes, it is possile he just puled a muscle or hurt himself a little. I would watch his behavior and monitor if he is eating and drinking normaly, also see how long his situation lasts. If you attribute his condition to his jump, he might be fine, just sore. Maybe a little sugar water can help pep him up a little. How long has he been this way.

Keep us posted as how he does, i hope your guy gets better.
Welcome to BYC!!!

There are lots of knowledgeable folks here -- however, most of them are sleeping now!!! (I don't have any chickens yet - so I am not much help!!

I think that you will get an answer in the morning!!

Again -- welcome!!

thanks for replying so soon! he's been like this for atleast 14 hours now.. he was inside almost as soon as i noticed him acting strange, and though his neck kept bowing and he couldn't hold it up for very long, he'd still eat and drink. unfortunately, i couldn't keep him inside due to little kids running amok and stressing him out, and thought it would be better for him to be out in the coop with his ladies.. he was out there for a good five hours - i was checking on him every now and then, and he seemed to be doing fine but now that he's back inside, he does not lay down, and his head is almost continually laying flat on his box.. i hope it's just a cramped muscle and nothing serious!
he was fine on the roost, but when i went out to finish feeding the chickens, i heard him jump down and when i got back inside, his neck was bothering him
unfortunately, his neck is still in a quite amount of pain.. i tried giving him some very diluted aspirin, and he made this funny noise(i don't blame him, really).. but what is really odd is that he can crow, and he seems to be better in the mornings than in the evenings.. by evening time, he's wasted and just lays around inside his box.. does this sound familiar to anyone at all?

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