Rooster with infected Eye (WARNING Graphic Picture)

In a perfect world that would be the plan, sadly the vets I've called within 1 hour of my house only offer to put the bird down and that was just one of them. The others said they do not practice on poultry. I'd love nothing more to give this boy some relief and I'm doing my best, which is why I'm here. So far, I've received more help here than any vet I've called.
I'm terribly sorry. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to try and help this poor guy.
Vets used to work primarily with lifestock. Now it's cats and dogs. What a shame.
It's very gross, for sure. I have saline and have been using that to flush it out along with the Vetericyn Pink Eye liquid. He actually holds really still for me, the stuff in his eye, even after soaks in very warm water just won't budge. It's hard. Tweezers are the only thing that gave me a little success, guaze pads and q-tips did nothing. It's like it needs to be cut out with something sharp. I don't have any nurse or EMT friends, but that's a great idea!
The time I did a peahen at the feed store I used something I found in the beauty section of Walgreens, it was some sort of cuticle tool that look a little like this:

You must get the pus out ASAP! Trust me, antibiotics alone will not work, and enrofloxacin should not be given longer than five days unless supervised by a vet.

Try getting a family member or friend to help you--some people have stronger stomachs, or have worked with other pets or animals before. Any hunter friends? It's not easy the first time. I have seen my share of blood and guts working in hospitals, along with doing some burn unit nursing care, and I had to sit down in a chair with a chicken wrapped in a towel, while I performed bumblefoot surgery by myself the first time, LOL. I had suddenly gotten very lightheaded, but after my vision came back, we just trudged ahead with the surgery.
My hen has a hard round bump above her eyelid and has caused the eye to close. Two days now...using Neosporin ointment and tried to rub it to see what it was but she was not appreciative. I don't know what to do either....She acts differently as she cannot see out of the one eye. No Avian vets around here either. Anyone have our problems with the cyst? whatever on the eyelid?
My hen now has a bump, cyst, hard round thing on the upper eyelid causing her eye lid to shut. I noticed this two days ago..Began putting Neosporin ointment on it. Brought her into the house today to monitor seems hard and when I tried to wipe it nothing budged. She did not want me touching her eye. I opened the lower lid and all seems ok to me. Has anyone had this or does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do? Anyone know what it could be?
My hen now has a bump, cyst, hard round thing on the upper eyelid causing her eye lid to shut. I noticed this two days ago..Began putting Neosporin ointment on it. Brought her into the house today to monitor seems hard and when I tried to wipe it nothing budged. She did not want me touching her eye. I opened the lower lid and all seems ok to me. Has anyone had this or does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do? Anyone know what it could be?
It could be just a cyst. I had one recently with a hard cyst right on the upper eyelid that did not change in size for about 8 months. He was just processed by a friend of mine when I gave away a few extra roosters. I can't see your picture clearly, but if you could try again , it might help. If it grows in size, it could be cancerous. Peck wounds becoming abscessed can be common around the eyes. Also some of the respiratory diseases can cause swelling in the tissue around an eye or face. It's always best to start a new thread of your own so we don't get confused and take away attention from this thread. You can start a new one here:
My Khaki Campbell duck has the same problem too. We have a pond and it is quite dirty, the ducks kind of drink all of the bugs out of it and have been fine with the water for about a year now.

Her eye isn't visible and there is a bump in her upper part of head. it is very sad as we have had her for a long time and I don't want to see her go

Thank you in advance
I actually used that beauty tool today, funny you mentioned it! "Digging" is working better than "pulling" with the tweezers. It's like I couldn't get a handle on it with the tweezers, but the shoveling method is working better. We're trudging along. He's active, eating and drinking. So that's good. Cleaning it out the best I can once a day and medicating with neosporin twice a day and the oral antibiotic once a day. It hasn't taken that turn to the getting better stage yet, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse.

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