Roosters in town and sex links



7 Years
Aug 9, 2016
I know I might be stirring the pot here a bit..

I see a lot of people on the Facebook chicken sites posting,
"I live in town that doesn't allow roosters and I got a rooster as a baby chick"
"I didn't know it was a rooster"
"I cant have any roosters so here is a free rooster"!

My question is if someone lives in a town that doesn't allow roosters than why would they get one in the first place?
Why not get a color sex link like a ISA Brown, Black sex link, cream crested leg bar, barred rock etc?
You can prevent getting baby roosters by going directly to the hatchery/farm store(don't special order)and hand picking the color sex links yourself.

Don't trust the store employees to gender them and do your research on how to gender them before hand.
Or better yet if your gonna get a non auto sexing breed buy them at a age old enough to gender?
Why risk it?

I know... I know...
"My favorite breed isn't a sex link"

I still don't think its a good idea to buy straight run non-sex link chicks if you can't have roosters.
That's a waste of time. Then there's the drama/hardship of finding the roosters a new home.

I think the reason I have such strong feelings on the issue is my Mom would go down to the farm store and get straight run chicks(non auto-sexing)and then we would end with 10 roosters and living in town the neighbors would complain.

It was embarrassing for me. My friends picked on me over it.

We were the original reason a ordinance was made against roosters in my home town.

Ok rant over.....
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Not a townie, so I'm putting myself in other people's shoes here, but:

'Cause I hate sexlinks?

Nasty, overly-bold, prone to all sorts of reproductive disorders (cancer, peritonitis, internal egg-laying, ascites, infections) and they all look exactly the same. You've got two options. Red. Black.

EDT: Barred Rocks, maybe. But they're only 80% accurate to sex as chicks. Same with Legbars.
Not a townie, so I'm putting myself in other people's shoes here, but:

'Cause I hate sexlinks?

Nasty, overly-bold, prone to all sorts of reproductive disorders (cancer, peritonitis, internal egg-laying, ascites, infections) and they all look exactly the same. You've got two options. Red. Black.

Cream crested legbars are not red or black.
Barred Rocks are black and white.
There's a lot more auto-sexing breeds than ISA Browns and black sex links.
If you look into it theres ways to gender barred rocks as chicks.
Cream crested legbars are not red or black.
Barred Rocks are black and white.
There's a lot more auto-sexing breeds than ISA Browns and black sex links.
If you look into it theres ways to gender barred rocks as chicks.
As previously edited, most autosexing breeds are only 80% accurate. And you'll not find any autosexing breed but Barred Rock, and maybe Cuckoo Marans at my feed store.

EDT: Sex-links aren't autosexing. Just a terminology thing, but autosexing is when a breed's sexes can be differentiated, and sexlink is when the sexes of crosses can be differentiated.
Well I live in town and I have gotten cockerels by accident when I have paid for pullets of a non sex link chicken breed. I think it’s stupid how many people are trying to be self sufficient and growing their own vegetables, but when you want to raise chickens for eggs all hell gets raised over the roosters. Now I know they can be loud, but so are kids, dogs, trains, airplanes, and the wild birds.
I also don’t particularly care for Red and Gold Sex Links or Barred Plymouth Rocks. Although I have never heard of someone ordering White Leghorn pullets and getting a cockerel by mistake.
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