Rotten Food Being Served to Soldiers - 10/10 update


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
My son is stationed at Camp Taji in Iraq. His unit's job is to monitor the contractors at the dining facility (defac). There is one contractor that supplies the food (KBR) and another contractor that staffs the place. See my next post for pictures of the food being approved by KBR to be served to the troops by the other contractor...

This has been reported up the chain of command, but nothing was being done. My son then photographed this garbage passed off as food and posted it on his facebook page. He is now being investigated by the warrant officers. They are still serving this stuff, but have now banned cameras in the defac. (Do cameras cause food to rot? I did not know that! /sarcasm)

Hubby has already started a congressional action (he was a congressional report writer when he was in the army) and we are trying to get the word out that THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!

My son joined the army to become a cook. As a person who worked in restaurants since he was 16 and who was the one working during routine health inspections, he knows basic food safety. He could not in good conscience let this go on.

Yeah, the stuffing is hitting the fan and it is effecting his career, but he is doing the right thing and has our support. If you would like to end this practice of feeding rotten food to the troops, contact your congress members and senators. Calvin had to take the pictures off of his facebook page but both his father and I copied all of them and I will keep them up on the web.
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Here are a few individual photos. Since I had to remove the slide show due to virus issues, I will just keep the stills posted.

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For some reason I can not see the photo. Can you email it to me?

It is a crying shame, those boys NEED good food, not pig slop!!!!! It would not sit well with me having those boys eating slop and it would be their last meal on earth.

Government are so good about hiding things!!!!!
Reading back, I would fire that contractor!!!!!!!!

I can not see how our boys would get sick. They are better off going into the city and get street food, than this!
Yeah. Disgusting.

They are told to soak the pineapple and cut off the bad parts. Same with the slimy lettuce.

I will cut off bad stuff on veggies at home but this is WAY BEYOND what I would "salvage". This is even beyond what I would feed to my ducks. This is not food, it is compost.

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