Rouen Duck thread

The first egg is always exciting! I don't think a drake pen would work. They know females are around so they will get err "frustrated" and end up beating up each other which could lead to deaths. Lol who knows maybe someone will trade you a chocolate Muscovy!
I'm still waiting for eggs. You know, I could use some chocolate Muscovies!

The link isn't loading for me but I looked at your pictures on your profile and right now there isn't a way to tell male or female. It will probably be a few weeks before you can tell as it seems they are just finishing up feathering in. I'd say about 7 weeks give or take. You should be able sex them by voice. The females will have a distant quack while the males are more raspy and it sounds more like a wack instead if quack.
So you know about how old they are?
The link isn't loading for me but I looked at your pictures on your profile and right now there isn't a way to tell male or female. It will probably be a few weeks before you can tell as it seems they are just finishing up feathering in. I'd say about 7 weeks give or take. You should be able sex them by voice. The females will have a distant quack while the males are more raspy and it sounds more like a wack instead if quack.
So you know about how old they are?

Roughly. They look to either be coming out of a molt (7ish weeks) or going into a molt (10ish weeks). If they are going into a molt and one of them is male like they claimed then he will begin to change colors. But if they are coming out of a molt it will be a few weeks before they molt again. Or they might not molt again and that would put them at about 13 weeks and both female.

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