*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Oh, and the kids were really upset, but, I went to the feed store a few days ago and ended up coming home with a barred rock chick LOL! That took their minds off of the lost duckling for a while. Plus I told them about the 5 runner and 5 EE bantam eggs and the pheasant eggs coming soon so that helped as well! My son is a bird lover- any bird and hes hooked, but he especially likes the lady & golden pheasants and RUNNER ducks (oh and wants a trumpeter swan... i drew a FIRM line there... NO WAY am I getting ANY swan, let alone one that's even LOUDER than the others LOL!). The one that died was the dirtiest egg, BTW, but it wasnt that bad, but hen again, it died so maybe it WAS a bit dirtier than it should have been, I was just afraid to clean off the protective layer if I cleaned it, so I left it alone.

Yeh I was worried about washing that off but I also read that it can be a good thing as it helps the air sacs get bigger. Glad the others are ok. Yeh they do move like crazy. Mine stopped by about day 22 as they're just too squished!
Cant believe all the birds you're guna end up with. I have to say as stressful as it was I'd do it again. It's only been a week since mine hatched. So big already! And so much poop! Shocking! But they are adorable! It's lovely them being so tame as I have 3 adult ducks that I recently got and I don't think they had any human interaction at all. They are getting better but they wouldn't let you touch it or handle it.
Soooo I bought these runner ducks on Ideal ... they don't stand exactly upright? This isn't really what I wanted at all. :( Case in point.. They don't waddle but they don't live up to the pictures I've seen of runners. The worst part is that I have 7 of these fake runner ducks. I've been searching in vain to find some runners not from a hatchery that I can buy that don't have to be hatched. ' Anybody have any insight?
They look like Cayuga crosses to me. Lovely birds but understandable if it's not what you want.
OK, so we are new (first hatch in bator now), we THINK we are at day 21 on our runner duck egg incubation, we looked at pics to get an idea of what to look for in the way of sizing the air sac. It seems smaller than it should be to me,(It did yesterday too, so I dropped hum to 50 and candled for the official day 21 candle to check progress). There was a bit of receding in the air sac, but not as much as I'd like, so I dropped hum down to btwn 40-43, but after fixing the bator, candling, and wiping the eggs down a bit (i was told that may help them "sweat more" and the air sac to grow) well, I put them back in and put a thermometer on top of them (there's only 2 eggs left) and they are moving a lot... the thermometer is rocking... Idk if we are further than day 21, or if this is normal. I need to know if I should up the hum to 70 and lock down, or if this is OK and they always do this so I should leave it low for the air sac to progress further.... PLEASE HELP!!!!!
If they are rocking and rolling then I would say they are further along than thought. This has happened to me before. I personally would go into lockdown and kick up the humidity.
Dont worry about the air sacs too much fine didn't suddenly grow until between day 21 and 24. Maybe they will be early hatchers. When you candle can you hear anything or feel tapping? If you can I'd go into lock down. Good luck!
If they are rocking and rolling then I would say they are further along than thought. This has happened to me before. I personally would go into lockdown and kick up the humidity.
That's what I was thinking, but I'm worried because the air sacs are still not very big, I wanted to keep the hum down as long as possible... I'm so stuck right now! But on a good note, there's no internal pipping as of midnight last night, so I'm going to candle again in a few hrs and go from there
. Thank you!

Dont worry about the air sacs too much fine didn't suddenly grow until between day 21 and 24. Maybe they will be early hatchers. When you candle can you hear anything or feel tapping? If you can I'd go into lock down. Good luck!
I didn't feel any tapping, I SWORE I heard a peep from the bator (while I was standing there staring for at least 30 mins watching for IDK what LOL), but my brooder with my 4 2 week old chicks in it is in my bedroom, so I couldn't tell, my DH thinks I'm nuts LOL! (but got all excited when he saw the eggs moving
) No pipping as of midnight, so I'm just keeping VERY close eye on them (and PRAYING nothing happens while I go pick my car up from the shop and get my kids from school now LOL).
everything will work out. My kids will be very upset if these two don't make it like the other one! I'm gonna run out now, and hopefully everything is OK when i get back lol.

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