*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Hey, I'm out running around, i wanted to pop by (on my cell) to let you guys know I'm not being rude & stuff, i promise i will get on and give updates, but it's a pain doing quotes & stuff from my phone, so once i get a chance to get home & sit down i will hop on and catch up! Lol. Have a wonderful day and i will talk to you all soon
I know what it's like to be busy! Don't feel bad... I disappeared from this site for a couple years due to busy-ness and lack of a computer at home!!! We do love being able to share experiences, good and bad.
Thanks for sharing the pics, Wolfkat and Chick a Dee! I don't want to "quote" and duplicate the pics, but they're so cute! My babies are growing up so fast!!!
I hope you guys don't mind, but when I get back from picking my girls up I'm going to post a few pics (including my chicks). I feel like I've been leaving them out LOL!

OK, Now to try and catch up LOL!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! So happy and relieved for you! Love the new ones name too!

I cant believe that with the post office, it's their mistake, they should get them to you!

How long gave you got left on your antibiotics? I was on some the other week, first lot didn't do slit and with the 2nd lot I we being sick within half an hour of taking them. They had a warning on the package saying do not lay down for half an hour after taking or can cause ulcerations! So when they started coming back up I just though oh god it's going to dissolve my throat! But I'm ok phew. Didn't take anymore after that!n
Thanks hun!!! The P.O near me got them and I picked them up today (The pheasants and my runner and Bantam EE Shipments both came! YAY!) They ALL looked like the mailmen just soccer kicked them back & forth to each other, so fingers crossed that any actually hatch!
. I Have 3 more doses (every 8 hours) then I'm finally done... but it doesn't' seem like the infection has cleared up..... I am allergic to just about everything, incl penicillin, so they were limited on what I can have (apparently my body doesn't like this one too much either...ugh) I'm sorry you went through that! I know EXACTLY how that is! I'm glad you are OK!!!!
They are gorgeous! Kaname looks really grey in the top pic! So cute, what breed were they? Sorry I've got a goldfish brain atm!
Thanks! Yeah, he's pretty grey, but hes a little less than Yuki. He has more yellow in his chest and He has the little yellow "mask" thing too :) Yuki is basically all grey-ish/chocolate colored with a bit of yellow in her :) They are so sweet! I TOTALLY understand where the name "runner" came from! THEY ARE QUICK LITTLE BUGGERS!
. They are also VERY messy! I have to keep refilling their water bowl b/c they are constantly swimming in it! LOL! I cleaned the brooder today (the towels were GROSS from Yuki's water obsession LOL)

Congrats on your baby ducks! How do you know they are boys or girls?
We don't LOL! We just dubbed them a male and female and if they are opposite sex we are switching their names LOL! Than if it's 2 boys or 2 girls we have names put aside hee hee! I was tired of saying "duck 1" and "duck 2"
I still have to figure out how to tell the difference between the sexes, I am too impatient to wait til they start to be vocal to find out what they are! LOL

SO cute!!!

Here are the pictures of the three left. They are not very good, but these guys are camera shy.

They are in their holding box while I am cleaning out their bigger house. How do baby ducklings make such a huge mess?
CONGRATS! They are precious! They grey-ish/brown ones look like my Yuki! I hear ya about the mess! OMG!!! People weren't kidding when they said they were worse than chickens!!! My FOUR 4 week old girls make FAR less mess than my TWO 1 and 2 day old ducklings!!

I know what it's like to be busy! Don't feel bad... I disappeared from this site for a couple years due to busy-ness and lack of a computer at home!!! We do love being able to share experiences, good and bad.
I am SO glad I found this site! I absolutely love my "birdie friends" as my hubby affectionately calls you guys when I tell him anything about this site LOL
Thanks for sharing the pics, Wolfkat and Chick a Dee! I don't want to "quote" and duplicate the pics, but they're so cute! My babies are growing up so fast!!!
No Prob, I'm HAPPY to show off my babies!
Thanks! Yeah I hear ya! My chicks seem to have gotten HUGE overnight!

Here is a picture of my 8 duckings, 2 runners, 2 Khaki Campbells, 2 Golden 300, One Buff and one Cayuga. I will share half of them with my best friend. I will be keeping the two runners and one Golden 300 and one Cayuga. They're all sexed and promised to be females.

Here is a picture of my 8 duckings, 2 runners, 2 Khaki Campbells, 2 Golden 300, One Buff and one Cayuga. I will share half of them with my best friend. I will be keeping the two runners and one Golden 300 and one Cayuga. They're all sexed and promised to be females.
How adorable!

This is Coco, my brown runner girl.

and here is a picture of my Black Runner Girl... My son is still
deciding on her name.
They are both 4 days old
Coco looks just like my Yuki! They are both adorable! Mine are supposed to both be chocolate runners, but I think Kaname may end up fawn or something.... all chocolate runner ducklings I've seen look like Coco and Yuki, and Kaname looks different with his little yellow "eyebrows" or "mask" and hes also yellow in his chest area. We will see! I don't care what he looks like tho, hes my baby lol (don't let DH hear that ho, he thinks that's HIS duck HAHAHA!) lol
There are so many runner duckling pictures, they are all so adorable!!! Thank you to everyone who posted comments about my babies, I am really enjoying everyone else's babies too. They are all sooooo cute. I hope everyone has good luck with their guys and girls as they grow.
How adorable!

Coco looks just like my Yuki! They are both adorable! Mine are supposed to both be chocolate runners, but I think Kaname may end up fawn or something.... all chocolate runner ducklings I've seen look like Coco and Yuki, and Kaname looks different with his little yellow "eyebrows" or "mask" and hes also yellow in his chest area. We will see! I don't care what he looks like tho, hes my baby lol (don't let DH hear that ho, he thinks that's HIS duck HAHAHA!) lol
If kaname is supposed to be chocolate, he/she may end up being penciled being that you said there is yellow on her/him. If you look up the penciled coloring they have both black, browns, and yellows in them. Whichever color it turns out t be I am sure it will be darling anyway.
If kaname is supposed to be chocolate, he/she may end up being penciled being that you said there is yellow on her/him. If you look up the penciled coloring they have both black, browns, and yellows in them. Whichever color it turns out t be I am sure it will be darling anyway.
I was thinking of doing that. Thanks :) I think I've only ever seen 1 or 2 penciled and they were adults. I love penciled so I think I'd get really excited! LOL. Kaname is very vocal, Yuki is only like that when she is being touched. Kaname is CONSTANTLY peeping or making some sort of noise LOL!
Hi everyone! I just found this thread tonight, and read the whole thing. First things first, Chick a Dee1023, I am SO glad your little one made it out! I was on pins and needles reading through that saga!

So my real name is Lisa, and I am looking into getting a small bunch of runners. We live in a suburban neighborhood, but our yard is surrounded by trees, and our neighbors aren't fussy. I *think* I found a breeder near us (Chattanooga, TN), but if she falls through, I am wondering if any other breeders live within a 2 hour radius. I only want 3-6, so the shipping is outrageous, plus I would like to come and meet the parents etc. if at all possible. I intend to have them as pets and for eggs, so demeanor is slightly more important than it would be if I was only using them for laying/meat.

I am super excited to have found this thread/forum, and can't wait to get some ducklings!


Hmmm, I'm hatching some of my HOlderread SQ runners. I am an hour from Chattanooga, in Ga. I just hatched 2 whites I am going to sell, as they came from my Penciled Runners and won't fit into my breeding/showing ideal. don't know if I have other babies to sell yet. I do have a female gray adult, and a couple Black Runners from the same Holderread SQ breedings. PM me if interested.

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