*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

OK heres the update I spoke to breeder he knew straight away what the problem was he explained its only something that happens with Indian runners but happens sometimes when they travel its a nervous system issue some will come out of it others wont there is no detriment to the duck as long as others are not leaving her and she is able to walk etc she wont get any worse there is still a chance she can improve
He was very helpful and offered for me to return her and swap but I'm keeping her and will just keep watch
Ha ha I have 2 more to tame now another female and a male believe it or not he is leading the 3 girls astray he the most inquisitive when I just had the 2 girls they never even wanted to go up in the chicken coop now the drake is here he keeps leading them up there lol
he is lovely though black and white

My peepers are all growed up
They were born on the 4th of July and now, only two moths later, they're all huge and winged and quacking! Especially Zuko (the black one front and center) who got super fat one day and just... stayed that way

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